Part 9

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Italics- Lydia's voices


Lydia rose up in bed, screaming. "Lydia!" Stiles shouted, quieting her down. She had a weary facial expression and her eyes were laced with water. "Jackson," she whispered. "I heard you say his name last night," he said. "Is he dead?" "I-I don't know. I would've known if he was in the city," she explained. "Let me call Ethan," Stiles said, leaning over to grab his phone.

Lydia got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. When she turned to look at herself in the mirror, all she saw was the blood dripping down her face like the nightmare she had. She touched the stream and looked at her hands. She rubbed her fingers but there was nothing on it. When she looked back in the mirror, it had disappeared. Stiles came in and leaned on the door frame. "Ethan said Jackson's still in London," he explained. "Then he's going to die soon," she said softly.


Oliver entered the hideout with Diggle behind him. "Felicity is still in Central City," Diggle informed Oliver. "Guess we'll have to deal with the city without her," he said. Diggle looked at the monitor that showed the Verdant. "Oliver, we have visitors," he said. Oliver looked at the screen and motioned for Diggle to follow him.

Oliver and Diggle appeared upstairs next to bar and saw Lydia and Stiles at the chairs. "Hi guys," he greeted with a faint smile. "What do you guys need?" "Just a drink," Stiles explained. "Lydia's giving me a tour around the city." "You should try Big Belly Burger next," Diggle offered. "Why don't we all go?" Lydia asked and everyone nodded. Getting out of her seat, Lydia paused staring at the stairs as Roy came down. "Oh my god," she said faintly. "What?" Stiles asked, looking at her direction and then at Roy. "Oh my god."

He came down the stairs holding a box of alcohol and went behind the bar and started restocking the drinks. Lydia and Stiles changed their minds and sat back down. "What's going on?" Oliver asked, noticing their stares. "Jackson?" Lydia whispered to Roy. He didn't acknowledge her presence and started to clean the counter. "You guys need a drink?" He asked. Oliver saw Lydia give Stiles a wide eyed look as they were both astonished. "Roy," Oliver called out to him, getting his attention. "This is Lydia and Stiles," he introduced. Roy wiped his hand on a rag and shook Stiles' hand. When he touched Lydia's hand, she went even paler than before. "Hey why don't we go get burgers," she excused. Oliver and Diggle waved at Roy as the four of them left the Verdant.

The four of them entered the fast food place and sat down at a booth. Oliver sat down next Diggle as Lydia and Stiles sat together. Oliver could tell Lydia was distressed as she cupped her head with her hands. Stiles on the other hand leaned back absolutely baffled. Oliver couldn't really understand why seeing Roy was such an amazement since he was just a regular kid.

Carly came over and asked for their order. "I'll have a cheeseburger and fries," Oliver said. "Me too," Diggle said. "Regular burger and water," Stiles stretched out, actually looking up. "Uhm..." Lydia trailed off. "She'll have the same as me," Oliver finished for her. "Thank you Carly," Diggle said. Oliver leaned in to talk but Lydia shook her head and stared into the midday sun. "Lydia," Stiles called out and she turned her head over to him. "Who the hell was that?" He asked. "You mean Roy?" Oliver asked. "Are sure that's his name?" Stiles asked. "Yeah, I did a background check on him," Oliver said, seeing Lydia role her eyes. "What's so interesting about him?" Diggle asked. "Last night I had a dream about Jackson dying," she explained. "Who's Jackson?" Oliver asked. "A friend of ours," Stiles told them. "Who's still in London." "So that means..." Lydia trailed off. "Somethings going to happen to Roy," Oliver concluded. "Or it already did," Lydia figured.

Carly came back with their food and they began to eat. Oliver could tell Lydia had lost her appetite as she slowly at a fry. "Jackson was adopted," Lydia said softly. "So was Roy," Oliver added. The four of them all looked at each other with wide eyes. "I'm done with this," Stiles sighed, throwing up his hands. "So they're identical twins," Diggle figured. "Separated at birth," Lydia said, before drinking from her cup. "What else did you dig up?" Stiles asked Oliver. "Um... I don't remember. I'll have to pull up the file," he said. "Was Jackson a- you know..." "Supernatural?" Stiles finished, getting a nod from him. "Yes. Kanima then werewolf," Stiles explained. "What's a Kanima?" Oliver asked. "A reptile that has paralyzing venom," Stiles explained. "Then is Roy-" "No," Lydia cut off Diggle. "He wasn't born that way." "Or they would be able to fuse into a mega werewolf," Stiles added."

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