Part 17

426 19 6

Italics- Lydia's voices


Lydia, Stiles, Diggle, Felicity, Laurel, and Lance were all sitting behind Thea and Walter at the funeral. Out of all of them, Felicity and Thea were the only ones crying. Lydia couldn't understand why Felicity was crying because Moira didn't like her or Lydia. Lydia was sad but not sad enough to cry.

When the ceremony was over, the team all grouped up in the corner as they watched people look over the casket. "Felicity, why are you crying?" Lydia asked her. "I was crying for Oliver," she sniffled. "Hello everyone," Isabel greeted. Lydia rolled her eyes at the evil snake. "What do you want?" Diggle asked. "I just wanted to say you will all burn in hell," she smirked. "See you there," Stiles told her before she walked away.

Sebastian walked over and asked, "Have you guys seen Oliver? Since I'm the mayor, I wanted to share my condolences." "You can take those condolences and shove them up your..." Stiles trailed off as Lydia grabbed his arm. "We haven't seen Oliver in days," Laurel told him. Sebastian spread his lips and nodded before leaving the group. "I gotta go," Lydia said. "Where?" Stiles asked but she ignored him, walking off the grass.

Lydia was in her car, driving on the streets before she stopped at a facility and got out of her car. When she entered, it was hardly lit with yellow lights. When she entered the main room, she saw Oliver sitting in a corner.

"Hi," she said softly, sitting next to him. She noticed he looked up but then went back to playing with his suit jacket. "I was on my way to the funeral," he began, "but I ended up here." "That happens to me too," she told him. "I-I don't know what to do," he stuttered, "He's won."

Lydia cringed when Oliver laid his head on her shoulder. She felt a teardrop on her shoulder and she knew he was crying. Lydia sighed softly and pulled all of the empathy from her heart to comfort Oliver. She awkwardly entangled her fingers in his and squeezed his hand tightly.

"Please stay," he whispered. "Of course," she said, remembering the time she asked that from him. "It's going to be okay." She kissed his forehead and laid her head on top of his.

Oliver lifted his head and wiped his tears. Lydia hardly felt guilty that she didn't tell anyone about Moira, but she couldn't tell him at the moment. She snapped out of her mind and stared into his blue eyes and he stared back. Oliver leaned in and her nose grazed his.

Lydia quickly turned her head and closed her eyes, pushing the thoughts back. She got up and lent out a hand and he looked at it. "Get up," she told him and he did. "What are going to do now?" He asked. "Stop Slade from destroying the city," she said. "How?" "We'll figure that out later, you just need to get on your feet," she said, patting his back. "Let's go."


Lydia and Oliver entered the hideout where everyone was waiting for him to give instructions. "What are we going to do now?" Diggle asked, crossing her arms. "I'm going to give myself up," he said softly. "What? No, you're not!" Felicity exclaimed. "The whole reason I brought you back was to create an idea," Lydia told him.

She looked past Oliver when Stiles came in. "Sebastian Blood knew that Moira was going to die," he said, handing Oliver a paper. "Laurel was helping Sebastian with something and she went digging and found a letter  he wrote before her death." "It's real," Felicity added, looking at the paper in Oliver's hand. "Slade told Laurel," Lydia said, "she knows everything."

"Isabel is probably a Mirakuru soldier," Diggle said. "That's exactly why I'm giving up," Oliver told them. "Why?" Stiles asked. "He's already taken over the city. He doesn't even need the soldiers to do it," Oliver explained, lowering his head.

"Bullshit," Diggle said firmly. "You put on the hood to save the city and now you want to give up? Then why do you do it in the first place?" Lydia saw that Stiles had a smile on his face as he listened to the Diggle's words of encouragement.

"John's right," Felicity agreed, standing up. "He really is," Lydia said. Oliver looked around at his team and smirked, "I guess we'll save the city."

"But how?" Stiles asked, interrupting the good energy in the room. "STAR Labs," Felicity told everyone with a smile. "I sent them a vile of Mirakuru to create a cure." "And how's that going?" Oliver asked. "Uh... they're on it." "Great," he nodded. "What about the soldiers?" Lydia asked, "They're starting tonight." "I'll help Lance," Stiles added. "Suit up," Oliver announced.


Lydia was walking down the hallway of a warehouse where death was calling, with Oliver behind her. In the distance, they could here Brother Blood giving a speech to the Mirakuru army and they begin to cheer.

She heard heavy footsteps from behind and whipped around but Oliver covered her mouth, pulling her into the crossing hallway. Her eyes rolled to the side as her back was pressed against him and they waited for the soldiers to pass. "Let's go," he whispered and they went out into the main hallway.

Just at the wrong time, her phone started to beep, and a few soldiers came out. "Are you kidding me?" She picked up the phone, ignoring the soldiers who'd started towards them. "There's a soldier disrupting the precinct!" Stiles exclaimed. "Just blow him up the same your father blew up a Berserker," she advised, hanging up. Lydia turned over and screamed, throwing the soldiers back. "You can do the rest, right?" She asked, patting Oliver's back before leaving him.

Lydia was outside the warehouse when she got a call from Thea. "Where are you?" She asked. "Uh... I'm busy, helping people out," Lydia lied, "Where are you?" "I'm at the train station, ready to leave," Thea explained. "That's great," Lydia didn't know why she had to tell Thea this, but she had to, "Someone is coming for help," and she hung up.

"You should call for help," she heard someone say. Lydia turned around and sighed, rolling her eyes. "Isabel Rochev," she said, throwing back her hair and adjusting her jacket. "Why are you even here? No one likes you." Isabel pulled out swords from her back and held them, ready to fight. "Why not a fair fight?" Lydia asked. Isabel complied and tossed the swords onto the ground.

"Come on, strawberry," Isabel said, holding up her fists. Lydia ran towards her and Isabel went forward. Lydia slid right under her and kicked her in the back. Isabel stumbled forward, giving Lydia enough time to get up. But as soon as Lydia went for her, Isabel slammed her onto the rubber chips and pressed onto her shoulders.

"Don't try and move or my hand will crack a bone," Isabel told her. Lydia kicked her legs struggling, as she saw lights heading towards them and flipped over. Felicity had rammed the black van into Isabel and she went flying. "Lydia, let's go!" Felicity shouted out the window.

Lydia heard Isabel grunting as she got up. "Come on!" Felicity shouted again. Lydia glared at Felicity to shut up as she went over Isabel and kicked her in the stomach. She lifted her by her chin and the back of her head and put her on her knees. "What are gonna do, kill me?" Isabel spat, and she held the side of her head. Lydia brought all of her strength into her throat and screamed.

The waves of her voice pounded onto Isabel and cracked her mask, revealing her small face. The more her scream got louder, the harder her hands compressed into her head. Blood started to stream from her nose and ears before it spewed from her eyes. Her face turned a light gray until the back of her skull split in half.

Lydia dropped her body before pulling back her posture. She exhaled and turned to Felicity who was standing there, horrified. "Get in," she gestured with her head to Felicity and got in the van. "I won't tell," Felicity gulped, starting the engine. "I know."

Good Grief- Bastille (Slowed Down)
"Dancing at a funeral" (especially Lydia)

The whole inspirational speech was NOT it

Badass Banshee

The Darkness: 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora