Part 4

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Italics- Lydia's voices


It was late at night at the hideout while there was a party happening at the Verdant. "So who are we taking down tonight?" Oliver asked. "There's a robbery at the Starling National Bank," Felicity said. Oliver went out the alleyway and went over to his bike. Oliver was stopped by Roy who hadn't seen where he came out from. "I found where the leather lady lives," he said. "Where?" Oliver asked. "She lives in the clock tower," Roy said. "Thank you." Oliver turned on his bike and rode past him.

When Oliver reached the bank, he got off his bike and it was quiet. He looked up on the roof and he saw the same woman watching over him. He shot an arrow that pulled him up onto the roof. Oliver looked around but she had disappeared. He walked around the roof and he could see a hole that the robbers used to get in. Oliver dropped in and landed softly on the floor. "Hello," Oliver heard a voice say. He whipped around and pointed an arrow at the voice. The person came closer so they could be seen. "Laurel," Oliver said. He watched as she clicked a button and a SWAT team surrounded him. "I'm sorry," she said, everyone pointed guns at him. The woman in leather dropped in and pressed the same sonic device as last night and it rang throughout the building, shattering the windows. There was enough time for Oliver to grab the woman's waist and pulled her out of the building. They jumped onto another roof to get away from them. "Who are you?" Oliver asked her. "You know me pretty well... Ollie," she said. Oliver knew that only close people call him Ollie. He took off her mask and wig and was startled to see who was underneath. "Sara?" He asked, taking off his hood. Sara turned around and jumped off the roof. Oliver was too shocked to go after her and left her alone.

Oliver went back to the hideout where everyone was waiting for him. "It wasn't a bank robbery, it was Laurel," he said, slamming his bow on the table. "What she do?" Diggle asked. "She tried to arrest me," Oliver explained. "Guess who was there." "The woman in black," Lydia figured out, getting a nod from Oliver. "Do you know who it is?" Felicity asked. "Sara Lance," Oliver said. "Sara Lance? As in Laurel's sister, the one that died?" Diggle asked. Oliver nodded, leaning on the table. "Interesting," Lydia said under her breath. "Anyways, Roy gave me her address so I'll go check it out," Oliver said, before leaving.

Oliver rode his bike to the bell tower in the Glades. When he reached there, he went inside. It was empty but a few things were covered in parchment. He found stairs and started going up, trying not to make them creak. When he reached the top, there was a door that was on the ceiling to the clock room. Oliver opened the latch and swung the door open. He slid himself onto the wooden floor and got up. Oliver looked around and it was quiet. When he heard footsteps come from behind him, he spun around and aimed an arrow. "Sara," he said, putting the arrow back in his quiver. "Hi Oliver," she greeted, coming out of the shadows. Sara finally stepped in and he gave her a hug. "How'd you survive," he asked, pulling back. "It was a miracle," she explained. "When I heard about the Undertaking, I decided to come back and check on my family."


Lydia was pacing herself around the hideout, waiting. "Do know how's she still alive?" Diggle asked. "I don't know," Lydia replied back she stopped walking. "Did you know she was dead?" Felicity asked. "Oliver told me but I had a feeling," she said.

Multiple footsteps were coming down the stairs. Oliver walked in and someone followed behind him. "Guys, this is Sara," Oliver introduced. "There's John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, and Lydia Martin," Oliver said, pointing at each of them. Sara shook each of their hands. When Lydia's hand touched Sara's, there was a slight shiver that ran down her spine.

League of Assassins

Lydia's face went pale when she heard the voice. Lydia's hand gripped tightly around Sara's and pulled her closer. "What is the League of Assassins?" Lydia asked, slightly bending her head to the side. "I-I don't know what you're talking about," Sara stuttered, pulling her hand away. "Come on, let's go," Oliver said, putting an arm around Sara. Lydia snapped out of her trance and received a glare from Oliver as he left with Sara. "What happened?" Diggle asked, crossing his arms. "She's part of something that makes her have the same dark heart as Oliver," Lydia explained. "What is it?" Felicity asked. "A league," she whispered. "I have to go."

Lydia went back to her apartment. The city was quiet so she would be able to sleep peacefully. Lydia ate a quick dinner and went to her room. She slipped out of her work clothes and into silk pajamas. Lydia removed her makeup and combed out her hair to put it in a ponytail. She got under her sheets and went to sleep.


Oliver and Sara were in the Queen Mansion watching t.v in the living room. "Are you sure Thea's not here?" Sara asked him. "She's at her boyfriend's house and my mother's not here," he said. Sara grabbed popcorn that was in a bowl and put it in her mouth. "Why don't you want anyone to know you're alive?" Oliver asked. "Because I'm not the same person, Ollie," she explained. Oliver fell silent as the chatter from the t.v filled the room. The was a slight thud at the door and Oliver and Sara got up. Oliver turned off the t.v to hear better. "Let's go," he said. They tiptoed to the foyer and went on either sides of the door. "1...2...3," he mouthed, before unlocking and opening the door. The moon casted a shadow of the person before they walked in, barefoot. It was Lydia. Oliver closed the door and she turned around. Lydia clenched her fist beside her waist, scrunched her face, before she screamed. Oliver and Sara covered their ears from the loud blow before she quieted. "You need to go back," she whispered. "Back where?" Oliver asked her. "To the League."


Lydia spent the night at the Queen Mansion so Oliver and Sara could keep an eye on her.

It was the morning and Oliver and Sara were in the living room talking. "What's the 'league'," Oliver asked. "The League of Assassins," she told him. "They're the ones who found me on the island and brought me in. That's how I learned to fight." "So you kill people?" He asked. "So do you," she pursed her lips. "I've changed."

They stopped talking when they heard Lydia walk in. "Are you okay?" Oliver asked her. She looked up at him then at Sara. "Someone's coming," she told her. "Who?" "Al-Owal," Lydia said.

The windows shattered as five men covered in black head to toe, zip lined inside. They dropped onto the floor and positioned themselves, ready to attack. Oliver and Sara already had their fists up, waiting to see who would through first punch. "Tahir-Al-Safir, we're ready to take you home," one of them said, taking off their mask. "Al- Owal, I'm not done," Sara said. Acting out of impulse, Lydia stepped forward and screamed, directing her voice at the men. They were thrown against the wall and grew unconscious besides one. Al-Owal got to his feet and looked at Sara. "I will come back," he said, running out in the direction of the door. "The League?" Oliver asked, receiving a nod from Sara. "I'm just trying to check on my family," she said. "Before you leave again?" Oliver asked firmly. Sara rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna leave," she said, grabbing her jacket and walking out towards the door.

Oliver went over to Lydia who was standing in front of the unconscious men. "Their starting to wake up," she told him. The four of them got up and ran past Oliver and Lydia in the directions of the door. Lydia turned and looked at him, "She's going to be fine." "How do you know for sure?" He asked, receiving a glare from her. Lydia turned around and walked out of the door.


I chose not to write about the whole Sara and Oliver fighting the League because it's not about them and I just wanted to get this chapter done. So excited for the next one.

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