"Do you know where she is!?" Yoongi sat up straight, desperate for an answer.

"Remember that news article last year about that mansion that burned down?" They all had to think about it for a moment but soon remembered.

"They were supposed to tear it down but they were afraid of that stupid legend."

"What legend?" Jimin asked, not sure of what Jin meant.

"The legend about the old man who used to live there. He said that if someone where to ever even put a scratch on that building, he would haunt them for the rest of there lives."
Jin answered Jimin's question.

"Listen, I don't care about a stupid legend, all I care about is getter there! So hurry up!" Yoongi yelled at the two.


An hour later, they started to go down an old dirt road into the trees. They drove for a minute until they arrived at a fence with a sign that says, no trespassing.

"Well that's our cue." Yoongi opens the door and hops out.

"I'll come with you." Jungkook climbs out of the vehicle and fallows Yoongi.

"Alright, But you only. Now let's hurry up." Jungkook and Yoongi climb over the fence and walked for a while before finally finding the mansion.

"This place is huge. But perfect for something like this." Jungkook agread with Yoongi's statement by nodding.

They both walk into the building and start searching for the man there supposed to meet.

"Jungkook. Over there." Yoongi points to a man dressed in black, just standing in the hallway.

They both looked at each other gulped before slowly approaching the man.
Once they stopped in front of him, Yoongi handed the man the note.

The man quickly glanced over the letter just to confirm that it was the real thing . Once he was sure he grabbed his phone and put a sequence of numbers in. He handed it to Yoongi without saying anything.

Yoongi took it hesitantly and put it to his ear slowly. "Hello? Who is this?"
Yoongi asked.

"I will not reveal my identity. All I will say is that y/n is here."

"She's there! Can I talk to her!?"

"What? You don't believe me? Or are you just checking to see if she's ok?"

"Just let me talk to her." Yoongi demanded. The strange man chuckled but handed the phone to y/n anyway.

(Third person POV)

Y/n could hear that that the man was talking to Yoongi on the other line. She desperately wanted to talk to him. But something caught her attention. There were some letters spray painted on the wall next to her.

For some reason she recognized those letters. Wait...that's it! I know where I am! Those guys who made that you tube video I watched painted that!

This time y/n really needed to talk to Yoongi. And it looks like luck was on her side. The man gave the phone to y/n.

"Y/n? Is that you?"


"Y/n! Are you hurt!? Did they do anything to you!?"

"No. I'm ok. If anything I'm scared."

"Don't be. I'll be there soon."

"Listen, I don't have much time to tell you this but...I'm at the-*slap*

Yoongi's heart felt like it stopped.
"Y/n! Y/n are you still there!?"

"Unfortunately, no. If she's going to be that way, she doesn't get to speak." Yoongi's blood boiled. He felt like he could punch a hole right through the wall.


"Mhmm. I only gave her what she deserved."

"Why you-

Y/n looked up at the man and saw him pull the phone away from his ear. He glared upon hearing a bunch of nasty words come out of Yoongi's mouth.

Tears stained y/n's face as she put her hand to the spot where the man hit her. It stung like a needle constantly piercing her skin.

"Just shut up and listen carefully if you want to ever find her. There will be two men dressed in black with a black van waiting for you at a spot that will be mentioned in a letter that we will send to you tomorrow."

"TOMORROW!? I am NOT waiting until tomorrow!" Yoongi continued to shout into the phone with jungkook just staring at him worried.

"You have quite the temper...oh dear, what was your name again? You know what? Never mind. Just go back home and wait for that letter to arrive tomorrow. It will have all the information you need. Bye for now."

(Yoongi's POV)

As the man hung up Yoongi tried his hardest to resist the urge to chuck the phone as hard as he could across the room.

But instead, he handed the phone back to the man and stormed out. Jungkook tried asking what they talked about, but Yoongi just ignored him and kept walking.

Don't worry y/n...I'm coming. Just don't give up on me.

(A/n) hello!!!! Back once again with a crazy long chapter! But I hope you enjoyed it anyway! And thank you very much for the support. Please vote ⭐️ and comment! Have a great day/night!

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