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A few days later Jimin found himself, in a building he'd never been in before. 

To say the interior was average would be the understatement of the century. The walls were high and floor to ceiling windows decked the walls like fancy sculptures. The whole place was well lit, expensive lights hung around the lobby gave it an active vibe.

The people were up to the standards that the place upheld and no one looked out of place. They were dressed in fancy suits and expensive dresses much like the ones back at Namjoon's company who worked directly under him.

He had come alone today and was intimidated by the place itself.

As the blond takes in his surroundings and inhales a deep breath, his phone buzzes. Upon retrieving it from his pocket he sees Namjoon's name flash on the indicator. The blond's face bends into a smile as he reads the message. It was small, simple and adorable.

"Goodluck baby"

Jimin stood inside an institute, a school of some sort, it was a school specifically for flight attendants. It's name, foreign to the eye and mouth. Jimin wouldn't know for the heck of it. He's never flown before or had any knowledge of airlines. The male stands in the centre of the worldwine of absolutely synchronisation utterly and completely intimidated.

He was dropped off by one of Namjoon's drivers. A sensible thought told him to walk to the front desk like a normal person but that was quickly shut down by his anxiety.

'Breathe' he tells himself. 'Walk in the park'. Amidst his frenzy he fails to notice a person approach him.

"Excuse me."

The blond snaps out of his episode and is immidiately greeted with the face of a woman. Her smile, forced and memorized.

"Oh, yes. I wa-" "Can I help you?" Her eyes scan his appearance like a fox, inspecting him with less than positive thoughts. She was judging and it was apparent in anyway.

"What is it that you came here for?" The tone of her voice was laced with displeasure, it was less than comforting or welcoming.

"I came to speak to someone. A mister Fabien."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"I suppose so, I was just told to come in and ask to see him upon the request of-"

"Sir, this isn't how things work here. If you don't have a appointment with a time you will not de able to see Mr. Fabien. He's a busy man." The annoyance in her words was horribly diagusting. She looked down on the blond and it shows.

"Oh I understand but if I could just  see him and tell him that I was sen-"

"That's impossible sir. Mister Fabien is in a conference. Had u had a proper appointment this could've been arranged properly. An appointment can be scheduled at the desk over there." She pointed her long red nails  towards the small booth in the corner.  As quick as she point, she was on her way in another direction.

Dumbfounded and slightly embarrassed Jimin walks off and exits the building. This did not go as planned. Namjoon himself told him to go and seek Mr. Fabien. He couldn't have been wrong? As he steps out of the building, Namjoon's driver from before approaches him. Jimin had thought he had left long since. He was still unaccustomed to the whole people 'waiting' on you thing. "Ready to leave sir?" his smile was polite and warm. 

The blond doesn't answer for a little while; thinking over what to do. He had half a mind to walk back in there and try to find help from someone else but then again... was that a good idea. His slow response alerted the driver making him look back at the building with suspicion. 

"Would you like to sit in the car sir." Jimin follows without answering, once seated in the back of the car he pulls out his phone and contemplates calling Namjoon. However, he would already be quite busy, wouldn't he? he said he would this morning...

Before the silence could consume him wholly, his phone disturbs it. 

[Namjoon] It read. Jimin answers almost immediately. 

"What is the matter?" Is the first thing Namjoon asks before the latter could say 'hello'.


Thanks for reading! ....I know.... I've been gone for years. Gomennasai🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️

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