"so what happened?"

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"Knock, knock."
Seonghwa waits a few seconds.
"Knock" still no answer. The tall male opens the door slowly to reveal a sleeping Jimin on the bed. His small body laid in the centre carefully. The hair in his face made him look cute, the fact that the white hoodie he was wearing made him look heavenly was almost criminal, if it weren't for the way it had road up his body sinfully revealing his hip and the small of his belly.

"Damnit!" Seonghwa mutters.

Slowly he creaks the door open and walks over to the male sound asleep.

"Jimin?" He calls out quietly as he shakes the male's frame awake.

He murmurs and whimpers a little the slowly flutters his eyes open.

Jimin hadn't realised that he'd fallen asleep. He raises his body up and looks around confused.

"Wha- what?" He asks to no one in particular. It takes a few seconds, after he finishes inspecting his clothes and looking around his eyes lend on Seonghwa.

After another second he lowers his head in realisation. "Hey, um, sorry to wake you but I thought you'd wanna eat something."

Jimin raises he head and looks at Seonghwa's genuine smile gazing down at him. As usual he has a small smile plastered there.

"No, it's-" " I swear if you say I don't have to or don't bother myself I will castrate you." He says seriously and dashing a devilish smirk.

Jimin doesn't smile but he does get up and walks out of the room following silently behind the latter.

They eat in a somewhat uncomfortable silence. After, Seonghwa takes the dishes away and washes them much to Jimin's offer to do them.

"Would you like a glass of wine?" Seonghwa asks as he rummages through a cabinet.

"No. But thank you though." The blond says apologetically. He didn't fancy drinking in this weird situation. He still wasn't aware of what actually was happening. The nice man took you home and gave you clothes and a place to sleep he even bought you new underwear. What's that supposed to mean ? Do people even still do these kinds of things or practice this type of kindness or was there another truth to Seonghwa's generosity?

The taller male pours himself half a glass of red wine and smiled at Jimin sitting at the table. Was his smile genuine? Jimin would never know.

They retreated to the living room and sat there in more awkward silence. Somebody has to say something. Neither of them dared. But eventually Seonghwa proves to be the braver one.

"So, wanna tell me what happened?" He says calmly as he places his glass on the coffee table.

Jimin flinches slightly. He debates debates whether to say something or no. Would Seonghwa be upset if he didn't? However the man deserve to know, he was in his house.

Jimin breathes out a sad sigh. "I got into a big um- arguement with my boyfrie- ex-boyfriend and we, it was pretty bad. He even tried to hurt me more than once-"

"Did he?" Seonghwa cuts in.

"...yes." Then blond replies

"Is that why he went to jail?" Seonghwa asks out of nowhere.

It struck Jimin but he soon realised that he was standing behind him in the hallway when he took the call from Jungkook.


"Are you alright?" The taller male questions.

"Im fine, I just, it's scary." Jimin says with a sad sigh.

"Hey I get it, its okay, just breathe and calm down." He says with a small smile. "What had he done that made you call the police and run away from him?"

Jimin thinks for a moment. Should he say the truth? What's he got to lose. Can't be any worse can it? His pride along with his dignity were already down the drain.

"Abused me sexually, he also started to change. It wasn't like him and that night he took it too far and I couldn't take it anymore. So I wanted to save myself from all that. The cops weren't much help somehow he got out the next day. I tried to reason with him but that didn't work so I agreed to just get my stuff and get out. Fortunately that didn't boat well. He got angry and grabbed my hair nearly forcing himself onto me again if I hadn't gotten out in time. That's how I ended up calling you, which I know is a hassel but I had nowhere to go and I couldn't call the police. Im sorry for making drive all the way there for me I'll pay you back the-"

"Jimin I don't care about the cost. What matters is that you're fine. What you did was brave and I applaud you for it. I'm happy that you called me. I am your friend afterall. You can stay here for however long you like it's no problem."

Jimin was about to deny his offer but the look on Seonghwa's face told him to just accept it. He didn't dare utter a word.

Seonghwa considered him an actual friend. That felt nice. It felt right in some way. However the lingering thought of Seonghwa doing this just to get in his pants still lingered at the back of the blond's mind. For now however he just decided to accept it. His mind was still all over the place. With everything from Jungkook and just now sharing his problems to a recently newfound friend-former acquaintance- the blond had had enough. All he wanted to do was sleep.

"So do you wanna get some rest." Seonghwa remarks after seeing the blond yawn for the second time. He chuckles slightly.

Jimin flashes him a small smile and covers his mouth in embarrassment.

"I have one question though." The blond says as he adjust himself on the sofa.


"Are your folks okay with me being here. I mean like I said I don't want to get in the way of your life."

"No, my folks don't live with me and if you're implying about my significant other then you can cross that off the list too. I live alone."

Jimin was baffled. This is a big flat. And it's luxurious too. How did he manage? The blond has so many questions but right now he was tired.

So he simply just responded with an "oh"

"So anyway, let's get you to bed." Seonghwa stands up and leads Jimin back the guest room.

"Goodnight." He says simply.

"Thank you again for your hospitality."

Seonghwa laughs slightly and nods.

"Night" Jimin says back.

Thanks for reading this mess. I appreciate you!

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