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"Calm down Jimin, you're okay." Seonghwa's soothing voice says once he successfully gets the blond into the building away from the commotion.

Security showed up after they retreated and tried to control the situation. It seemed like Jungkook ran away and they were trying to get people to stop blocking the entrance.

The blond's face is flushed from the overwhelming experience and he's breathing fast.

"Jimin calm down. You're fine. Nothing happened."

The blond raises his head and looks towards the taller to thank him but stops once he sees the state of his face.

Jimin feels like crying. "Oh my god, your eye!" He exclaims intantly putting his hands up to his face. It's red and pulsing. "Oh my- I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry."

"It wasn't your fault Jimin." He says calmly.

"Ofcourse it is! Oh my god we need to get you ice. Does it hurt?"

"Don't worry. It doesn't hurt that much." Him only saying that and being humble just made Jimin feel worst.

"Come on we need to ice your eye." Jimin says as he pulls Seonghwa towards the cafeteria.


Throughout the day news about the incident spread around the building like a contiguous tweet. People were mumbling more than usual. A bunch of guys from the building were at Jimin's desk and asking him who the person in black was. They were mainly just asking to confirm that it was Jimin's mystery boyfriend. Break up rumours wear starting, it was overall just office gossip.

Jimin ofcourse denied and brushed them off. He didn't want to bring his personal life into his work. As the day was nearing its end for the work hours Hoseok walks into the office after a meeting with the higher ups.

"Seonghwa, Jimin Mr. Kim is asking for the two of you." He says simply and returns to his seat.

The pair make their way up the elevator to the highest floor of the building. They've only been there like 3 times. It was quite odd for him to just request for people to see him directly. They knew it was not something good. Mr.Kim was a busy man. He was the son to the real owner of the firm. The Kim brothers were the rightful owners to their father's fortune and their multimillion dollar insurance company. His name was Namjoon, and his brother's name was Seokjin, together they ran their father's company, they had been for more than 5 years now. And so far they've been very successful. Since their father was too old and opted for retirement the boys took over.

They were quite renowned for their success, talent and their looks. They were considered local celebrities as well as eligible bachelors. Kim Seokjin did not work in the same country as his brother, he oversaw the Australian branch.

Jimin has practically never seen him. So he was scared to face such a powerful persona. The elevator dings after reaching the top floor. As the doors slide open a marble layered aesthetic comes into view. It's white and looks very clean. The workers in in the small lobby looked fresh and intimidating. If Jimin didn't know any better he would've thought he was in a movie; fifty shades of grey to be exact. The settign was close to that of the movie's set.

But he kept reminding himself that this was real life. One of the male secretary instantly notices them walk out and heads straight to them.

"Right this way." He gestures towards the hall. Him not even asking of who we were was a massive sign of how prestigious and well put together this place was. It was way more fancy than the lower floors that's for sure.

The secretary leads them to a door at the end of the hall. There are several rooms to one end but as you progressively get closer to the huge wooden door at the farthest end, it stands alone.

Maybe that was a show of rank or it was just for privacy. Either way it was hella intimidating.

The secretary knocks on the door and opens it once he hears a small 'come in'. He ushers them in and closes the door behind them.

Upon entering the room the impression Jimin gets is 'money, everything looks expensive. From the giant mahogany table in the center to the fancy artwork hung on the walls. The male; who was in question stood at a massive bookshelf in the left corner. It was layered with a few trophies, some interesting bare-like figurines and a bunch of books.

From the back the male looks tall and broad. He was wearing a blue-ish, greyish suit and flexing his body up to reach a book from the higher shelf. He turns his body around and heads towards the table, sitting down into the chair behind the desk.

Finally he raises his head and looks towards the two men standing.

"Sit down gentlemen." He says. His voice was not as deep as the blond thought but rather smooth and light. It calmed Jimin down slightly but not enough to stop his nerves. He takes a few seconds and clears his table before finally placing his folded hands in front of his body on the table.

"Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon sir." The duo say in unison.

"Alright, so care to explain what happened this morning?" He says suddenly.

The two males stare back quietly.

"Am I not making myself clear?" He says again leaning into his chair.

As Jimin silently studies the man infont of him he notices that his hair is parted and swooped to the side in the front nicely making him look very sophisticated. His face clear and clean; not a pimple in sight. Lips full and pink, evidence of nude lip balm lying on top of it.

He was not wearing any accessories except for a gold watch. Overall the blond found him intimidating.

"The incident this morning sir?" Seonghwa speaks first breaking the silent.

"I would think so." He says sarcastically.

"It was just a-" Seonghwa begins but the smaller cuts him off. "It wasn't Seonghwa's fault sir. The incident was linked to me."

Saying that felt like they were at the principal's office and they'd been called in for a fight. It not overly different, when he thought about he was quite similar.

Mr.Kim raises an eyebrow at Jimin defense.

"Sorry," he appologises and continues. "It wasn't Seonghwa's fault that the person caused the commotion this morning and I sincerely appologise on the disturbance."

"Bold statement coming from you, considering the gentlemen over here is the one who's sporting the black eye." Mr.Kim says confidenly. The aura he projected was so strong that every single word he spoke was tight and in point.

"Yes sir, I understand that but Seonghwa was just trying to protect me. This has nothing to do with him."

Seonghwa who was sitting on the other chair didn't object to Jimin. He almost did but let the shorter speak out of respect.

"Jimin was almost assualted by an individual this morning on his way into the building." Seonghwa says calmly.

"Who is the invidual you keep mentioning and why is he so important? The two or you are sugarcoating the incident that almost caused harm to a handful of my employees this morning. This is serious. The police was almost called to investigate. So talk." He presses.

"I- um my former partner came to er."
Jimin tries. Mr.Kim notices the discomfort and instantly takes action.

"Mr.Kang are you in anyway hurt?" He says changing the topic and looking towards Seonghwa.

"No sir."

"My appologies for asking this, it's purely business but do the two of you have any relations with one another that would spartk up and lead to what happened earlier?"

Jimin's face grows red from embarrassment.

"No sir. Seonghwa and I are just friends and coworkers."

"Very well then, may I please speak to Mr.Park alone. You may leave. And please take care of your eye. Thank you."

Reluctantly Seonghwa gets up and walks away with a small 'yes sir'.

Thanks for reading!!!

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