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As he makes his way through the dead silent apartment he begins to think as he picks up a few photo frames and books that had fallen due to the commotion.

Other than that the place was tidy as per usual, he always use to love keeping things neat and tidy. A habit from his late mom he thought.

The clock on the wall in the kitchen told yet another dumb lie. It said it was 6:01 am. Its was fairly dark outside how could it have possibly be time to wake up. He had work in an hour. The male let out a exhausted sigh. What was going to happen now? Would they let Jungkook out or what? These thoughts started to flow in his mind. Where would he go now? Obviously they couldn't continue living here together and Jungkook owns this house. His father paid for half of it, Jimin had no part in it. How dumb was that? The apartment is in Jungkook's name. Now that he really thought about it. He only owned his clothes and...and nothing else.

He would just have to figure it out later. The blond decidedly made a plan to pack his bag later and find another place to live. Hopefully he could ask for an advancement on his paycheck.

Jimin worked at an insurance agency. Work was simple enough and he didn't mind the work at all. He got to talk to customers on some days while he handed them their cheques or called them in to collect them. He was liked by the majority of his co-workers, most of the guys liked him and a few ladies enjoyed his company. Others envied him, his looks, his charms and his sweet personality. They saw Jimin as a threat. However Jimin didn't mind it, he didnt let it get to him. You can't expect everybody to like you.

The blond made his way into the building and up to his shared office. He shared it with two other people. Hoseok; who was the manager of their small unit and Seong-hwa who worked like Jimin. Upon entering the office nobody had arrived yet. He turned on the lights and turned the AC on. After placing his bag at his desk he headed to the bathroom. The pale boy looked at his reflection on the mirror again, inspecting it over. The dark circles under his eyes were disgusting to him and his face overall looked puffy. Bottom line is that he didn't look like his usual cheery self. Fishing for a brush from his cosmetic bag, he began to dust his cheeks with some concealer and applied soft light skin tone eye shadow to cover up his tired expression. Once he was satisfied he put the things back in his bag and took out lip balm and applied some to his dry lips.

As he did so he thought about Jungkook more. Although he didn't want to the said male's name danced around in his head. Shaking, he decided not to let this distract him today. He had to focus on work.

"Morning." He heard from somewhere behind him making his jump.

As he faced the owner of the voice he shot one of his polite smiles. "Morning Seong-hwa."

"Was wondering where you had headed off to." The latter said as he stood next to the sink near Jimin. He pretended to wash his hands and took an insane amount of time to dry them. In reality Jimin wasn't that clueless. He knew some of his co-workers lusted over him or wanted to date him. The way they stared, at his body, at his ass and they way them touched his waist accidently. They would go out of their way to please him or go out to lunch with him. It was insane considering they knew he was in a relationship.

Seong-hwa side eyed the blond as he fixed his hair in the mirror. Jimin played dumb for the most part of played it off as a joke when things would escalate. He didn't want to attract attention or get a warning of any sort so he bared it.

They made their way back to the office. Hoseok was there sorting out some files and sighing documents. He was a damn workaholic. Work hadn't even officially started yet!

"Morning Hoseok-ssi."

"Morning Hoseok-nim." Seong-hwa greets as well.

"Morning." Hoseok responds briefly not sparing them a glance. It was a normal day as usual.

During the course of the day everything went well. Playful banter and common conversation. Until Jimin got a phone call. The ID was unknown so he reluctantly picked up the phone.


"Hey sweety." The voice sent thrills through his body. How was he out so soon.

Jimin excused himself from the office and stood outside in the hall.

"Why are you calling me? How are you calling me?" The blond asked.

"I'm just wondering how my baby is doing? You at work?" Jungkook said over the receiver. His voice laced with bittersweet bitterness.

"What do you want Jungkook. Wasn't last night enough. You went to jail for christ's sake."

He didn't know how Jungkook was let out but one thing's for sure he was scared. "Yes, baby I know. I wanna say I'm sorry. I haven't been a nice boyfriend. Come home please and I'll make it up to you." What could he possibly mean by that? Jungkook couldn't be trusted. Jimin resisted the urge to fall for the trap. He would get hurt again. He didn't want to get hurt again.

"I'm not coming back to live there. I'm coming for my stuff."

"You're leaving?" He asked in distress.

"Not like I could stay there with you."


"Are you mental or what? Jungkook you basically raped me last night. And that wasn't even the one time. You never treat me right nowerdays. Me calling the police should have been your answer."

"What the heck are you saying? I said I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I heard you the first time. I don't want to do this anymore. Im coming to get my stuff and I'm gone."

"Where the hell will you go then?"

"That's my business not yours. I have to get back to work now." Jimin hangs up without hearing the other's answer.

He was in a panic. Jungkook's out. He's at the apartment. Waiting for him.

"Hey, are you alright." Jimin turns around and sees Seong-hwa standing and few feet away from him. He was standing at the door. He didn't know whether the younger male had heard what he had said or not but in that moment he wasn't interested in knowing.

"Im fine Seong-hwa." The older male responds briefly giving the latter a small fake smile.

"You have a client on the phone." He informes the male.

Jimin lets out a small sigh and places his phone back into his tight pant suit.

He walks back towards the door but before he could walk in the younger male stops him, boldly placing the pads of his fingers to the older's chest. "Are you sure you're alright Jimin?"

The blond doesn't remove Seong-hwa's hand but rather calmly and swiflty pushing his body into room muttering a quiet "yes."


To be continued
Thanks for reading! I appreciate it a lot. :)

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