it's just business

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After the small discussion with Namjoon earlier Jimin felt a little bit better. It's safe to say his doubt had been cleared and he wasn't as giddy as before. Hoseok didn't know what he was talking about, why should he anyway? Jimin barely knows him and him Jimin.

Currently the blond male was cooking dinner. Namjoon had asked him if he wanted to eat out but he suggested he cook for him. Jimin didn't mind infact he loved it. He thought that the kitchen would be empty and bare and he'd only find a few cans here and there considering the fact that it didn't seem as though Namjoon cooked or ate at home often. However to his surprise the pantry and cabinets were fully stocked. There were utensils in every drawer. It was a functioning kitchen and Jimin loved it. He loved the space and the hight of everything. Things were within reach and he didn't struggle as he use to back in his old kitchen.

The layout of the area was wooden, it gave off a comfy look to it. Jimin gets to work on chopping some vegetables and meat. He scoops them into a pan, adds spices and water to make a stew. Along with various other steps. Instead of rice he decides to make garlic bread to pair off the meal. Admittedly there was something about prancing around your potential partner's mansion in his shirt that looked over sized on you and only boxers that Jimin liked.

At Seonghwa's he'd obviously never do that. They wore clothes, or pyjamas around each other. There was a respectable level of respect. However Jimin has been noticing that Seonghwa would strut into the kitchen or lay of the couch with nothing but pyjama pants or sweats lately. Ever since he caught him in his gym working out he's been parading around shirtless. But what did that matter, it was his house, Jimin is merely a guest. He was free to do whetever he wanted, hell walk around in your boxers! His house, his rules and it's not like he had a horrid structure, his body was healthy.

"Smells good, I didn't know you were into cooking." Namjoon says from behind him. His hands wrap themselves around the blond's thin waist and he looks over his shoulder.

"I'm not that into it, I've had practice."

"So cooking for me is labour for you!?" He says cheekily.

"No! Shut up! I like cooking I just don't glorify over it." Namjoon responds with an 'ahh"

"Did you learn from your mom?"

"No. Don't have parents."

"What do you mean. Did they pass away?"

"I wouldn't know, I grew up in orphanages and moved around a lot. The ladies who took care of me there never told me anything about them."


"Nothing!" Jimin repeats.

"I'm sorry for asking." Namjoon says, pressing a kiss to the younger's neck.

"Dont be, you didn't know and neither do I in a way." The blond spin himself around in Namjoon's arms and looks the male in the eye. He was so tall and handsome. The way his wet hair stuck to his forehead due to his shower and the smell of body wash on his skin was arousing.

A squeal erupts from the blond's mouth as Namjoon lift him and and sets him onto the counter next to the stove. A fit of giggles follows right after as Namjoon smacks Jimin's awaiting lips.

"Namjoon you're going to make me burn the food." Namjoon ofcourse didn't listen to him and kept kissing the younger. His stood in between Jimin's legs and held his hips firmly.

"Well isn't that just precious." A voice says behind the pair towards the arch way of the kitchen.

Namjoon pulls away and sighs without even looking at who it was, he knew. Jimin panics for a minute trying to get off the counter once he sees the tall male standing there.

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