"Where's Jimin?"

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Hong-joong reached into the fridge to pull out another can of beer, he opened it and placed it out onto the counter where the other male sat. He then proceeded to take out one for himself.

"So talk sweetheart." He said slyly grinning at Seonghwa.

"Stop that, it's creepy." Seonghwa faught back as he took a swig of his beer.

Hong-joong had stopped by to see his friend since the last time, that and he had business to handle nearby. The two were chilling at Seonghwa's house and watchibf popcorn.

"Are you ever going to actually tell any of us about what happened when u ran after Jimin? You shut off when u came back to the table."

"I don't wanna talk about that."

"Too bad, start talking romeo, where is he anyway?"

Seonghwa rolled his eyes at his friend. "He's not here, he hasn't for a two weeks after I-" Seonghwa holds his tongue and looks down as if regretting the words he was about to say.

"You what?" Hong-joong asks as he slump down onto the sofa- drink in hand.

"We- I kissed him and then said some cheesy line about how that was how I really felt about him." Seonghwa finishes quickly burying his face into his palms.

A low laugh was heard from Hong-joong.

"It's not fucking funny, he hates me now and won't even talk to me at work."

"That was pretty embarrassing, do you regret it?"

"What kind of question is that!? Ofcourse I do! I scared him off. Now he's gone and living with his hot millionaire boyfriend."

Hong-joong took a second and gulped at his drink. "Do you regret your feelings for him?"

Seonghwa raised his head to look at his friend. "No. I like him a lot. He's so kind and cute. Kind of down to Earth you know. And when he wakes up in the morning he looks so good, his bed head's all over the place. Whenever I-"

"Okay, stop please." Hong-joong says raising his hands up. "Obviously you like this guy. What happened after you told him you liked him?"

"I kind of walked away and left him with the thought."

"Smooth..." Hong-joong comments with slight displeasure.

"I did try again. And I told him how I really felt at work, but he told me he was in a relationship and appologised."

Hong-joong takes a moment and thinks things over. He take the last swig from his can and sets it on the coffee table.

"Technically he didn't say he didn't like you back, you know. Maybe he kinda likes you too."

"Hyuuuunngggg... that's just wishful thinking. He practically rejected me."

"If you really really want him then show him you do! It might be super selfish but if you want to truly find the answers out then try. You said he was coming over to get his stuff right? Then that's your chance! This might end really badly or it might not. You'll never know unless you try."

Seonghwa thinks for a moment. Should he? Would it be okay? What if he loses Jimin forever? Was it even worth the try?

"But anyway, I gotta head out or I'll be late for my meeting. Call me later, tell me how it goes."

And with that the male heads to the door and takes his coat leaving Seonghwa with a goodbye wave and a head full of thoughts. 

He didn't know how long he sat there staring into nothing but it must've been quite a while because when he did snap out of his trance, the sound of a knock beckoned him. 

The male got up, reluctantly heading to the door and opening it. Upon opening it he wasn't greeted with a bouncy blond haired man he'd hoped for but instead the exact opposite. 

Black head of hair, distraught dark clothes and a menacing expression to his face. It was Jungkook, Seonghwa could tell instantenously by a glance. 

"Where's Jimin?"




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