Corruption? or Wealth? Pt2

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Flight attendant school or air hostess academy, whatever you wanna call it, was far from what Jimin imagined. He had a more imaginative and naïve thought of what went into it. It was terrifying at first, especially the first week there.

Most of his colleagues were graduates from prestigious universities and excellence schools who studied management, accountancy, business and countless fields in the tourism industry. The majority of them graduated with flying colours; top of their class!

A proper fish out of what is what Jimin felt like.

The expectations expected from the institution were massive. Seeing as though he started randomly in the middle of the class' progress, he had some catching up to do.

The first week was dedicated towards initiation, this consisted of; tours, briefings, course expectancy and an overview as well introductions to the elite members of corporation and his colleagues. It felt like he was attending college al over again, assignments, courses, timetables, the whole shebang. His colleagues were slightly younger than he was, he didn't know yet if that was a good thing or the latter.

"It's so weird you know, like unreal at times. Like, I'm back at college but this time it's more enjoyable. Maybe it's because of my age but regardless, I never thought I'd have so many study books in my home and schedules pinned up on the fridge again." A short giggle. "It-It's really exciting, I just hope I can catch up and do well, you know..." Jimin says, snuggled between Namjoons legs on the couch.

They were sat on the living room couch in Jimin's apartment, partially watching the series they had started two weeks ago and talking about their day. "I am so glad you like it, you deserve it, love." Namjoon, hugging his arms around Jimin front torso.

"Me too, think of how bad it would have been if I hated. All the stuff you and your brother went through..."

"Nah, it was nothing, don't worry about that. Besides if it wasn't your calling then we'd keep looking."

"That's such an executive and expensive answer Namjoon, it's scary." Jimin remarks, letting Namjoon bare the entire weight of his body and placing his neck on the latter's shoulder. Namjoon kisses the other man's temple and focuses his attention back to the show. "What is even happening?" he questions as one of the characters on the show flings a chair at the other contestant.

Jimin laughs at him "These two characters hate each other, they want the same girl and the girl is stringing them both along cause she can't choose. The one with the chair started the fight because the other guy kissed the girl." Jimin explains. "I can't believe you've never watched addictive reality TV shows like this."

"Well, I never had the time or interest."

"Understandable, but what do you think of it?" Jimin questions.

"Well..." Namjoon chews

"You hate it, don't you!"

"Hate is a passionate word- I don't think I hate it, it's certainly amusing and filled with drama... I guess I don't have a huge opinion about it."

"Well, it is reality TV, they aren't meant to be filled with any valuable info, they just eat your time and fry you brain." Jimin explains "We should head to bed, it's already 11:45, I have school and you have important coffee based meetings to oversee."

That fishes a loud laugh out of Namjoon. "Wow, really!?"

Jimin giggles in response.

"This damned giggle of yours will forever be your most powerful tool..." Namjoon confesses as he kisses his way down the other man's cheek and neck.

The kisses make him giggle even more, therefore making Namjoon turn his pecks into slobbery open mouthed kisses.

"No! Don't Namjoon, I have a beauty and cosmetics class tomorrow, you are not leaving hickeys on me!" Jimin struggles from the man's hold. He can feel Namjoon smile against his neck, devilishly most probably.

The smaller male breaks out of his clutch and turns around straddling the man below. "Why would you try to do that!? What would my instructors and colleagues think?" Jimin accuses, alarmed.

"Great night?" He answers shamelessly.

"Oh you are the worst! How would you like it if I did that to you, Mr CEO?"

"Oh please, be my guest." Namjoon insists and bares his neck to the side for Jimin. He was clearly enjoying this.

"Bastard!" He is trying and failing to hide the smile on his face. Keeping a stern and annoyed face proved impossible. "Alright, fine!" Jimin says accepting whatever challenge he had invented for himself. He takes the latter's hands and places them onto the couch beside him.

"Don't move your hands, keep them on the couch, you touch me, I stop! Got it?" When did this turned into a game? Jimin himself doesn't know that, but he is living for the thrill. "Namjoon? Got it?"

"Yeah." Namjoon replies, the distress in his voice vibrates.

Jimin places his hands onto the other man's shoulders, licks his lips and proceeds to latch his thick suckers to the man's bare white neck. A slight tremor rides up the trapped man's body on impact. Jimin scales his lips ever so slowly down Namjoon's neck purposefully, leaving none-discreet marks on the sensitive skin. The trail follows through, down to the man's collarbone then back up to the other side of his neck.

At the corner of his slightly open eye Jimin can see Namjoon's resolve fight to break free, whereby Namjoon's apprehensive hand rises up then lowers as he fights his inner battle. It makes Jimin snicker, his ego is flared and fuelled by some unknown power.

Jimin combs his fingers through the hair at the back of Namjoon's neck and kisses behind the man's ears, biting the lobe of his ear teasingly and mercilessly. The ragged breaths coming from Namjoon is music to his ears.

He had been hovering slightly above the man's lap due to Namjoons taller torso, however once he draws back to admire his work, Jimin sits himself back down ever not so gently onto the man's lap. Namjoon's once fresh and white skin is now riddled with pink and purple blotches.

"There! All set for tomorrow!" Jimin remarks and pats Namjoon's chest with his two palms. "You look dashing."

Namjoon still has his head tossed back and is breathing through his nose. "Thank you." He says in a spaced out tone.

Jimin chuckles, dead aware of Namjoon's dick hard against his ass through the fabrics of their pyjamas.

Namjoon finally raises his head back up and looks Jimin dead in the eyes, the latter wastes no time and kisses the man hungrily. He does well to grind his ass teasingly in Namjoon's lap. Edging him on.

Grunts and moans muffle against the contact. Jimin grinds his ass down slower and harder until Namjoon's resolve breaks ultimately. Namjoon moves his hand to the latter's ass, grabbing and kneading the two globes harder against his crotch. His large hands sit perfectly onto the surface making Jimin moan in satisfaction.

"Fuck." They both utter in unison.




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