oh my god

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"Where's Jimin?" He asked in a monotone voice.

What the fuck? Seonghwa thought to himself. This freak again. How did he even find out I lived here.

"Get off my porch." The brunette replies warningly.

Jungkook's face turns angry very quickly. The lines above his eyebrows crease and his eyes turn cold.

"Tell me where the fuck he is right now." He challenges, he presses his body forward.

"Do you want me to fucking call the police, get off my fucking porch asshole. You can get arrested for trespassing."

Jungkook didn't take the threat very nicely because the next thing he did was push past Seonghwa and forcefully open the door.

"The fuck, get out of my house!" He yelled trying to reach out to the raven.




Jungkook started running around the house, searching through every room calling out Jimin's name like a lunatic.

Seonghwa reached for his phone on the counter and proceeded to dial the police. Before he could press call Jungkook reached his fingers and slapped the phone out of his hands. It fell to the group and the screen cracked.

"Where the fucking hell is he?" He grip on the taller's hand grew tighter.

"Far, far away from you."

"I'm not playing with you, tell me where he fucking is before-"

"Before what?" Seonghwa interrupts. "Hmm? What can you possibly do that'll be a threat to me? Jimin doesn't want you anymore, he's moved on so leave him the fuck alone!"

Jungkook stands infront of the brunette and snickers. The snicker turns into a small chuckle as he leans his body on the side of the archway frame.

"You think you know him don't you. You think you're protecting him!?" Another bitter laugh. "The Jimin you know isn't who you think he is. He only shows you what you want to see." Jungkook steps lightly into the kitchen keeping a steady distant from Seonghwa.

He paces a little closer towards the door and stands there returning the brunettes intense gaze. "He's more than meets the eye. I know he's been living here for a while, but recently I see him on magazines with Kim Namjoon. So my fucking guesses are he's been living there since he isn't here as much."

"I don't fucking know what you're talking about." Seonghwa tries to defend. "Get out of my house."

"So I'm right." Jungkook says slyly as if he just realised something "He's living with Mr. hot shot and doesn't live here with your pathetic ass anymore. Funny."

The sentence slapped Seonghwa across the face like a bitter insult. Anger boils in his chest as he looks at the man infront of him.

"Guess that's why he left your pathetic ass too then." Seonghwa retorts.

"The fuck did you say asshole?"

"Get the hell out of my fucking house, if you ever come here again I'll make sure they lock your ass up."

"I'm scared." Jungkook replied in the most monotonous bored voice.

His pride slumped to the floor, this guy was just impossible. Nothing Seonghwa said phased him. He was horrible to talk to. And he couldn't believe Jimin was with such a persona. They didn't look like they got along at all.

"Jimin will never come back to you no matter how hard you try... you're wasting your time. The way you treated him and abused him!" Seonghwa says in an attempt to counter the raven's points and thrive over him.

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