"Walk with me."

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A week later

All is well with the world. Jimin is happier than needed be. He feels sceptical about all the goodluck he's been getting but decided to just roll with it. That is until a Friday afternoon at work.


It was about 3:30 pm. Close to work being over. The office atmosphere was chill. The three males sat in comfortable silence and went about their work. It didn't look like anymore clients were coming in so they were tidying up and putting things in order.

A soft knock on the door utters through the room. The door opens shortly after. Nobody in the room could anticipate what was going to happen or who was going to show. It could've been a client, another worker in the office, a mailman anybody. But it wasn't. It was something out of your fiction book. The room fell silent and for a moment it seems like the three male were frozen in shock and time had stopped.

What is he doing? Is he even allowed to be here. Ofcourse he is, he's human but why? Jimin's mind was in a frantic over theses questions.

The man standing at the door stood tall. He had a teal coloured jacket, under that, he wore a black turtleneck and pairing it all off with plain black dress pants and some really expensive looking oxfords.

With a hand lazily resting in his pocket he pushed open the door wider.

Hoseok notices the male after lifting his head from his monitor screen and instantly stands up and bows out of respect.

"Mr.Kim! Good afternoon."

The two males also stand up bowing and greeting the man.

"Good afternoon Sir." The trio keep standing as the tall male makes his way through the room.

"Please sit, no need to be too formal." His voice was calm and carefree, it made the blond uneasy. What was it now? He hadn't done anything wrong that he knew of for the CEO, the boss himself to come all the way down here. It was odd, he's never been seen on these floors. He had his own elevator and eveything. Ofcourse it was not wrong for him to be down here but the question was why? The blond was confused.

The trio sit down at their desk waiting for Mr.Kim to state his business.

"I'd like to see you privately in my office please." He says to the blond. "Walk with me." And with that he leaves the room not giving him time to even think or ask questions.

Jimin gets up quickly giving his two co-worker a confused. Hoseok looks baffled and like he's finding what was happening to be the strangest thing he'd ever seen. Seonghwa on the other hand was just raising his eyebrows questioning the situation.

Jimin speeds walk down the hallway to join Mr.Kim at his private elevator. They enter and the pair stand in extremely awkward silence. The shorter male was afraid to make a sound. Next to him Mr.Kim stands casually with his hands in his pockets. A small smile on his lips.


Once in the office Mr.Kim doesn't go over to his desk but rather, sits down in the small lounge area on the other side of the room. Jimin stands awkwardly not knowing wgat to do with himself. The taller male had a small smile on his face still.

"Please sit down." The blond does as he's told.

"Alright, how are you Jimin?" The question takes the blond by surprise to say the least.

"Excuse me?" The blond asks. A confused tone to his question.

"How are you?" He repeats.

"I'm well sir."

"So tell me how are things with the person that caused the ruckus infront of the building? -what was it, your ex-boyfriend?"

Blush creeps up his cheeks as he realises what Mr.Kim just asked him.

"It's alright sir. The situation is okay now."

"Where are you living now that you've separated? Not in the same house I hope?"

Jimin is completely bewildered. Do CEOs pull you out of work to talk about your living arrangements or is he just a special case.

"I do not. I'm currently living with a friend sir."

"Park Seonghwa!" The phrase is more of a statement than a question.

"Yes sir."

"I see." He says smiling again. As he does, a tiny detail to his face comes into view. They're dimples, one on each side and they're deep!

Jimin can't help but admire them.

Another awkward silence. Jimin twiddles his thumbs. "Sir, may I ask why I was called in. Did I do something?"

"No, I wanted to personally see how you were doing. Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"No sir. I'm just slightly surprised." He lies.

"Then don't be." Mr Kim looks at the petit boy sitting on the cream armchair. "Are you busy after work?" Mr Kim asks straightforwardly.

'Was he asking me out?' The blond thinks for a minute. 'Is this even normal?' He decides to not read into it, and avoid the signs and just role with it.

"I don't think so, I'm just going back h-home." The word home was foreign on his lips but he still managed to say it.

"Join me for coffee then?" He suggests.

"At four thirty in the evening?" The blond blurts out without thinking.

"You're right!" He says smirking. "Join me for dinner then?"

"I-I, wait what?"

Mr kim snickers. "It's settled, I'll see you after work."

"But sir don't you think this is inappropriate?"

Your boss asking you out on a date may be very cliche and definitely not unheard of however, the blond thought, why him I thought out of all the people in the building? And all of the people in the world. Being young charming, handsome and especially rich. It didn't make sense to the blond boy. But he chose to to go with it yet again. Who knows maybe this might be a promotion in disguise either way he'd have to see.

"Innapropriate how?"

"You're my boss, I'm the employee!"

"Don't think about it like that then, I'll see you afterwards." And with that he stands and walks towards his desk.
To be continued. Thanks for reading :D

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