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It's been about 2 and a half weeks since Jimin has been seeing Namjoon. So far the relationship has been steadily growing and Jimin found more reasons to fall for the man everyday. He was caring and that trait was constant throughout the whole time that they were together.

Namjoon was a generous man and by generous he was also generous in the aspect of spending. Although Jimin asked him not to he would splurge his money on the blond buying him unnecessary gifts whenever he sees fit. The workers at the office have noticed the abundance in surprise bouquets and strawberry chocolate; Jimin's favourite. Seonghwa has noticed the gifts obviously, he had a few questions but Jimin would brush them off saying they were gifts from friends. Seonghwa didn't seem convinced but the blond didn't pay it any mind.

Their office manager Hoseok had noticed as well. He had some weird looks but never said anything.

Today's resident gift of the day was a box. He hadn't opened it yet cause he had work to do but come lunch time he opened it see a thin little bracelet, it was silver and had tiny turquoise stones in it. No doubt it's real!

The blond smiles at the small gift and puts it back in the box. The others had left for lunch leaving the blond their grinning like an idiot at the gift.

Jimin decides to skip lunch today and get some work done. After a few minutes the door opens and Hoseok walks through alone.

"Hey hyung. How was lunch? Seonghwa's not with you?"

He looks at the blond and then to the gift on the desk then back again at Jimin again.

"He went for coffee, I don't drink coffee." Hoseok says bluntly and sits down behind his own desk. He fiddles with his bag and then stands to print something.

"Are those from Namjoon?" He asks out of the blue. Jimin sits there shocked for a moment. Did he hear that right?

"Er... what?"

He turns around and faces the blond. "Those!" He points to the gift. "They're from Namjoon right?"

"What? How do you-" jimin starts

"Please..."Hoseok says exasperated. "It's not something oblivious Jimin, the whole floor practically knows, even Seonghwa; being as slow as he is was talking about it a minute ago." Hosoek admits and he goes back to printing.

He couldn't believe it yet he wasn't that surprised. The duo had been going out for a while and he wasn't exactly discreet about it either.

"You might wanna be careful dating that man." Hoseok says as he sits back down in his chair.

"What do you mean by that?"

He just shrugs in response.

"Hyung what-" Jimin stops as the door opens. Seonghwa emerges with a coffee tray in hand. He passes one to the blond and one to Hoseok.

"I got you a smoothie hyung since you don't like coffee."

"Thanks" Hoseok says sipping the cold fluid down.

The duo didn't continue their conversation and went back to work. Jimin thought it was for the best. They didn't know Namjoon or their relationship. What would they know? This is the same man that didn't bat and eye when news spread about the fight between Seonghwa and Jungkook when he was informed. So why should he be giving out orders to the blond.

Namjoon was a good person, caring and nice, he treated Jimin good, which is more than he could say about his prior toxic relationship. Granted it was quick but the blond was happy. And Namjoon made him very happy.

The whole room fell into a deadly silent after that and nobody spoke. What Hoseok had said stayed with Jimin well after the conversation had ended. "Be careful dating that man." What would he know? People needed to mind their own business.


Later that day at Namjoon's house in a room up the halls, the sounds of human breathing was the only thing prominent. That and the sound of skin slapping againt each other.

Jimin has his head thrown back in satisfaction as he rode the man under him. His legs are burning but he doesn't care. He keeps his rhythm on point till Namjoon finally couldn't hold in it in anymore and comes undone in the younger's ass. Jimin continues until he finally comes as well, his head falling onto Namjoon's shoulder, breathing very hard.

"Sweetie is everything alright? I know you're usually hyper but you seem off today."

Jimin lifts his head up and looks the male in the eye. "What are we?"


To be continued. Thanks for reading!!!!

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