Corruption? or Wealth? Pt1

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It was fast. That's what it was. Really fast. Impeccably fast.

After Namjoon heard the resistant and soft utterance that Jimin attempted over the phone, he hung up. Then, under a record of five minutes Namjoon had appeared, decked out in his immaculately pressed suit and commanding aura. The face of 'CEO' permanently dripping from his strut.

He had not said anything yet since arriving to the scene, merely taking a hold of Jimin's hand and walking back into the building. Was it anger? Or was it frustration? Jimin would never know.

Namjoon walked with a controlled and rehearsed beat that Jimin almost didn't see his security trailing two steps behind. Jimin couldn't not think about how this scene looked very much like a parent dragging their toddler through a crowd. He had no time to feel embarrassed as they approached the desk again. He could see the woman there, she had her head down completely unaware.

However, it didn't seem that Namjoon was too bothered by her or anyone for that matter. The people around her who had noticed him merely parted like the red sea and tried not to stare. The taller man kept walking until he reached an elevator, as soon as he pressed the button, it opened. The security team stayed outside, Jimin wasn't sure why but he didn't question it. As the doors closed, Jimin could vaguely see the lady from before. Her face, distorted into disbelief and dare he say, fear?

"What happened love?" Namjoon asks after a few seconds into the elevator.

Jimin explains the short issue he encountered into more details, trying hard hard to suppress his red cheeks and red ears at the same time.

The door opens to the floor and it consists of a large open space, much like Namjoon's floor, there's only the normal, almost barren corridor. On the walls are plaques, certificates and a row of, what Jimin presumes are graduate classes or groups, hung up next to one another.

The secretary's post is the same dull marble block growing from the floor with the cliché fancy pen stood up at an angle with a cord attached to it. That's it, nothing else, not even a name plaque to identify the gentleman being the desk. He stood up as soon as he recognised Namjoon, to no ones' surprise!

"Good morning mister Kim, welcome." A more than polite bow accompanied that.

"Good morning." Namjoon pronounces perfectly. "Is Mr. Swelf in?"

"Yes sir," he rushes over and knocks on the door then opens both the doors.

Yup, just another dramatic, exorbitantly gigantic office asserting power and status. Jimin was quickly coming to the conclusion that they all followed the same filthy rich pattern. What they did with the space? He'll never know. Have they sat in all of the 11 seats in here? Probably not.

"Namjoon, my friend... I was not aware you would be joining as well..."

Namjoon lets go of Jimin's hand and goes to shake the latter's. "Good to see you Fabien. How are things?"

"Very well. I hope it's about to be better." The man says with a toothy grin. He wasn't Korean and that's for sure. The man had darker skin, a shiny bald head and again porcelain white teeth that publicised his personality on display. He bred a successful and very intelligent air about him. It was comforting.

"This is Park Jimin." Namjoon gestures, pressing an encouraging hand to the small of the shorter's back. 

"Hello, it's nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine Park Jimin, please sit, the both of you."

"I say, when Seokjin contacted me, I was under the impression you would be coming alone."

Jimin was a little surprised when Mr. Fabien mentioned Seokjin, but then he remembers, he did in fact have the conversation with the man himself.

"Originally yes, however, Jimin ran into a slight issue concerning a member of your staff's, erm, courtesy."

At that claim, Mr.Fabien's smile disappears quickly and a serious face comes to light. He folds his fingers into each other and looks dead at Namjoon.

"Do not worry, it will be handled immediately. Rest assured."

"Much appreciated." Namjoon comments.

It was odd though, the amount of blind trust put into just a few sentences without any context whatsoever, maybe that's what it's like when people of high status say something. Their words is sacred. It was a whole other level of scary.

After a few more exchanges Namjoon bids his farewell, lightly kissing Jimin's forehead and disappearing out the double doors.

"Now, I may formally introduce myself, I apologise for my rudeness earlier on. My name is Fabien Swelf, and I welcome you, Park Jimin, to your first official day as a stewardess in training."

Jimin involuntarily began to smile, it was one of those 'excited for new beginnings' smile. It felt good. 




Trying my very best to get back on this story writing grind. Let's hope it's somewhat consistent. Thank for reading. Comment your thoughts! :)

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