"it's an acquired taste."

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Jimin informed Seonghwa that he would not be going home with him tonight. But he did not tell him about where and with whom he was going. It felt a little odd. He assumes that this was a date but it could be something else and the blonde could be reading too much into it.

He waited outside the building awkwardly since Mr Kim did not tell him where he should wait. After about 10 minutes of standing a security guard approaches him.

"Park?" He asks.


"Follow me please."

The blonde is led to the basement of the building towards an SUV. It was sleek and black very cliche. The security guard escorts Jimin towards it and tells him to get in.

The interior of it is just as luxurious as the outside. Black leather seats, spotless dashboard and shiny accessories.

"We've been looking for you everywhere!" Mr Kim says with a smile.

"Oh sorry, I-you didn't tell me where to meet."

"I appologise, next time just wait in your office mine."

Next time?

Mr Kim drove for a while until they reached a restaurant. Calling it fancy was the understatement of the century. Lush sitting areas, extremely nicely dressed people, fancy food platters going round, the tables were littered with selfish small talk. It was everything you saw in movies and more.

After about an hour or so. They left the restaurant turns out the CEO who runs on of the leading insurance company in the country wasn't who you would typically make of him.

Jimin was certain at this point that it was an official date. Mr Kim who later told the blonde to call him Namjoon; his first name, was a gentleman. He was funny, he was very smart and engaging in every way possible. He knew how to keep a conversation going and wasn't afraid to express his attraction to the blonde. He was flattering and very charming.

Over dinner they talked about Jimin's past relationship a little, his very brief lifestory and the friends he had, they talked about his likes and dislikes.

The young bachelor also spoke about his life a too. He didn't say much, he spoke about his family, his work and some of his likes. He was a collector of books that peeked his interest, he liked going to odd places and visiting them for the culture, he hated seafood. Those were just some of the things they discussed.

It was nice nonetheless.

However it was too early to really tell of his real intentions. Jungkook was as sweet as that as well at first. Jimin wasn't sure what this would end up being. Was it a one time thing or did the man want a serious relationship with him. Was he ready for that honestly? He just got out of a toxic not so long ago.

They drove slowly, it was around 7 pm. Still pretty early. The blond had no idea where they were going. He just sat back and listened to the music coming from the stereo.

The car slowed down more around a neighbourhood that the blond's never seen before. They pull through a gate, on it were the words private property. He drove quickly up the long diveway and infront of the house, well, more a like a very, very modern looking mansion. Jimin gapes at the building before him. It was luxurious and so very very big. Calling it a house or a home was rude. It looked similar to fancy car brand shops that display their cars out. It was covered in glass as far as the eye could see. As they enter the place, the light dimly lights up around the car and guides the way up the pathway.

It was impressive. Nothing the blond's seen before.

"Are you coming?" The latters voice snaps him out of his trance. Mr Kim was holding the car door open for him waiting for him to take his hand.

He takes it and steps out. Its cold out. They walk inside and Mr Kim leads the blond into a den area. The mansion itself was so grand, a million times more extra than Seonghwa's house and tripple the taste and quality. Seonghwa's house was great too but this was just another level. The blond couldn't believe how some people on the other half lived their lives. It was comfort all the way.

Jimin couldn't stop gazing at everything. It was amazing to look at and take in.

"You live here alone?" He asks.

No responce. The latter wasn't next to him. He'd been so immersed in eveything that he hadn't noticed the man had walk out of the room.

Jimin sits down on the plush couch. It was as comfortable as it looked. After a few more seconds the taller male walks into the den again. He has a clear bottle in hand and two glasses.

He pours the yellow liquid into the the glass and adds two ice cubes.

"What is it?"

"Whiskey." He says handing the shorter male his glass and pours himself one before sitting in the other chair.

"Is this your way of getting me drunk Mr.Kim?"

"I told you to call me Namjoon. Anyway if you don't wish to drink it I won't force you. It's an acquired taste." He says taking a sip and swirling the ice around with rhythm.

The blond looks down at the liquid. He's never had whiskey and was curious to try. "You've never had whiskey before?" Mr.Kim asks, reading the younger's body language.


"Then don't. I'll get you something else."

"No, I'll try it! Im curious."

"Alright, take a small sip."

The blond brings the glass up to his lips and allows the liquid to touch his tongue and go down his throat.

It was vile, but in an intense way. Jimin didn't hate it though. He hissed a little.

"Too strong? Do you want more ice? Or do you want me to mix some coke into it?"

"No, no, I quite like it actually."

Mr.Kim smiles and leans back in his chair watching as the man infront of him takes another sip.


To be continued. Thank you for reading!!!! :D

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