Eventually, the day we dreaded the most had arrived.

After an abundant amount of grim months consisting of never-ending meetings and ill-timed arguments, our lives were about to transform.

Harry's alarm was set at 8 in the morning, but he had been awake since 6 am. I could've gotten out of bed at 6 too, however, I didn't. I sensed he had to get himself ready without being disturbed by anyone hence I kept my distance until his alarm went off.

After today, everything would change radically because we would never return to the old Vicky and Harry. A new era would begin.

But what it would look like was a mystery to all of us. Of course, everyone had their theory; some more in-depth than others. But they were taken with a grain of salt.

I heard Harry taking a shower before he exited the bathroom wearing formal attire. He often walked in and out of the bedroom to grab his phone, his watch, or a pair of shoes. While he was busy getting dressed, I pretended to be asleep despite following every move he made – I just wanted to make sure he was doing all right.

Ten minutes before the alarm went off, the bedroom had been Harry-free. He hadn't retrieved any of his belongings neither checked if I was still asleep, so I shut the alarm off before it could make noise.

With a swift movement, I casted a brief look underneath our bed to see the suitcases I had packed. I was a nervous wreck when I realized it wouldn't take long before the cab would arrive on Harry's doorstep – Thank goodness he wouldn't be at home to see me put them in the trunk.

Once I had changed into normal clothes, I went downstairs. Carefully I peeked around the corner because I heard someone moving around in the kitchen. My eyes fell on Harry who was brewing himself a cup of coffee; his brows knitted together as he was entirely focused on the process.

Then I stepped closer so I could join Harry because I couldn't comprehend the thought of this maybe being our last morning together. Even so, it was important not to let the emotions get to me. I had to keep strong and see it through.

"Hey, you." I said faintly.

He glanced up and affection glowed in his eyes. "Hi." He replied.

Shortly after we greeted each other, I joined him in the kitchen. Scrupulously, I placed my hand on his back, and, luckily, he let me.

"You look very handsome today." I said and I placed a tender kiss against his warm cheek.

"Thank you, babe." Harry replied and handed me a cup of coffee. "About today.." After those two words left his mouth, I was on tenterhooks; waiting on him to continue. "I hope you aren't mad at me for not letting anyone attend the trial – including you."

"I am not mad at you, Harry. This is your decision and I respect it." I replied truthfully.

"I'm so glad to hear you saying that." He confessed before letting a sigh of relief escape his mouth. "I do want you there, but I don't want you to see me all fired up if. . . you know. . . it doesn't work out." Harry pronounced the last words in a whisper.

"It's okay." I declared. "As long as you fight for what you love, I am okay with every decision you make."

The burden I carried increased as I talked to him. Harry didn't know he'd come home to an empty house in which only a white envelope would lay on the kitchen table with his name written on it in cursive. The tables had turned.

When one of the boys pressed on the doorbell, we both knew it was time. Harry looked at me with a perturbed glance as he kept himself strong. Immediately, I intertwined his hand with mine and gave it a little squeeze.

Lush Expiration | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 3 ✓Where stories live. Discover now