Chapter 47

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I pull into the diner parking lot after my training and turn off Victor's car. My nerves rattle inside me as I look at the former church. There are several cars around and I see the black Jeep that must be Luke. It looks busy tonight and I'm glad I volunteered to help. I glance down at my white button down blouse and my long navy skirt with a bow scrunching the waistline fabric, down to my simple grey flats. The gold bracelet Victor gave me hangs from my wrist, the delicate heart catching the lights from the diner. Am I dressed nice enough? Am I overdressed? From what I remember, all the boys always looked nice and formal when they helped out at the diner unless it was a last minute thing.

I take a moment to consider that I'm alone. Owen left me at the Academy earlier and he let me drive here by myself. He made me text him constantly, but he must have been off doing some important Academy-related task to even let me do this much alone.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I look at the screen, not recognizing the number.

"Hello?" I answer.

Nothing. And then what sounds likes breathing on the other end.

I hang up. Volto's done that to me before. It's probably him. Either way, I don't have time for him.

My phone buzzes again, but this time with a different number.


"Sang?" my father asks on the other line.


"I have the title and the paperwork for you. It was easy since I paid off the mortgage. I can run it by in the next couple days."

"Tomorrow or the next day if you can bring it to the hospital, that would be great. I think Sean's working all week and that will be the easiest."

"Okay. Are you sure about this?"

"Yes. Thank you for getting it. I'll see you in the next couple days." I hang up and look down at my black screen. He's actually pulling through for once. For now, at least.

I brush the concern away and exit the car, locking it as I go.

Walking through the front doors of the diner is like a blast from the past. The doors are heavy and large, leading to a huge mural Gabriel did, and a dining room off to the side. The cash register is still in the front of the room and the long counter extends behind it. Luke's busy swiping a credit card for the couple in front of him, smiling and wishing them a good evening.

His eyes land on mine and he beams, "You look great, Sweetie."

My cheeks burn and I dip my head, glancing down at myself again. "Thank you."

"Come on, Uncle's been dying to see you again." He holds out his hand and I place mine in his, following him to the back.

"Luke, does he know where I was?" I have no idea what the boys have been telling their families about why I was gone for so long.

He dips his head close to mine as we walk into the back towards the kitchen, "I told him you were on an Academy job that sent you down to Florida for a bit. He knows you're a ghost, so it isn't that surprising."

I stop walking, tugging his hand with mine. "I could be sent away for a year and a half because I'm a ghost?" I don't want to be gone that long. I never want to be away from them for more than a day.

Luke brushes his hand against my cheek, "Maybe, but you're part of our team now. Where you go, we go. Even if you help another team for a year long job, we'll still be right there."

My thundering heart slows, seeing the reassurance in Luke's brown eyes. I nod and continue following him into the kitchen, where Uncle and North are working in the back.

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