Chapter 15

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We return to a room full of sullen boys.

I see them all perk up when Owen and I walk back into the room.

I can tell they want to all speak at once, but instead they stay silent, watching me.

Walking up to the closest bed where Victor's leaning against the headboard and Sean is sitting on the end, I sit and take off my heels, my feet hurting, and crawl to the top of the bed, leaning my head against Victor's shoulder.

Sean scoots further up and takes my feet, placing them in his lap and slowly unwrapping the bandages.

"You've reopened some of these," Sean says with displeasure, "Luke, can you get me my bag?"

Luke jumps up and retrieves his bag with medical supplies, placing them on the bed beside Sean.

I root out Owen's pale face amongst the other's bearing displeasure as well. He finds my eyes and I give him a confident smile, "I never even felt it," I assure him.

"How did you not feel this?" Sean asks as he unwraps bandages now dotted with blood.

"I've always had tough feet," I remind them, "I did use to run through the streets barefoot."

Kota grimaces, "I remember. I had to follow after you as you trailed black footprints through my house."

"I'm so sorry, Kota," I feel so bad. He never told me that.

"It's okay, Sweetie, I didn't mind the hardwood. The carpet was another story."

My face is so red. I can't believe I never noticed leaving footprints. I turn to Nathan, "Did I leave footprints in your house, too?"

His thin mouth says it all.

I bury my face into Victor's shoulder and I hear a few of them chuckling.

"Peanut, we'll happily clean up after you if you want to run through the streets barefoot," Nathan admits.

"But not until your feet heal!" Sean exclaims, rewrapping my feet.

"Aggele, as long as they don't hurt, you should walk in the streets just until the wrappings turn black so Dr. Green has to replace them constantly," Silas suggests.

Sean glares at him, "I should've known to never trust a Greek."

I giggle and Sean points to me, his eyes narrowing immediately.

Too late. Luke's laughing, now Gabriel doesn't stand a chance.

Sean gets a pillow somehow and he throws it at me. I squeal and watch as Nathan throws one that hits Sean in the face.

North throws one at Nathan, Gabriel throws one at Kota, Luke throws at Gabriel, Silas waited for his moment and hit Sean just as he recovered from Nathan's blow.

I take the pillow Sean threw at me and I throw it at North, who it hits in the shoulder. North turns to me and grabs the pillow.

Oh no.

I duck behind Victor who looks slightly bewildered, using him as a meat shield. "Victor has a computer, he's the safe zone," I laugh.

North chuckles and chucks the pillow at Silas, "Still such a cheater," he laughs.

I giggle again, burying my face into Victor's back as the others calm down.

Luke doesn't even wait for the last pillow to be collected, "I'm picking up dinner." Does that kid ever not eat?

"Oi, I'm coming," Gabriel jumps up and joins Luke near the door.

"Me, too!" I exclaim, jumping from the bed and joining them.

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