Chapter 43

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Sean's arm is around me when I finally notice his movements. I had been so lost in the memories, so lost in the death and pain.

"That serial number is the one for that first boat, the one we took to Panama. We went from Panama and made our way up Central America, and then we managed to get over into the Caribbean. From there made it to Florida, and you know the rest." I never thought I would speak those words, never thought anyone would ever know what I did.

"Were you worried about the other two girls?" Owen asks, his fingers steepled.

"Of course," A shudder runs through me. "I had wanted them to come with me. I begged them to, but they wanted to stay instead. But at least I removed the doctor and most of the soldiers. There were only a couple left. I tried to take out as many as I could for them. They could have easily made a run for it with so few left." I have tried for months to convince myself of that. I took out all the higher ranking ones, the cruelest. I tried to give them a chance if they were bent on staying.

"Do you think the individual following you could be from there?" Owen's face is unreadable as always.

I take a shuddering breath. "I don't know how it could be. The only ones left wouldn't have been interested in coming after us."

"How do you know for sure?" Sean asks, rubbing his hand along my back.

"Because the only ones who might have had vendettas and the capabilities to track me are dead." Or so I've hoped. I've laid awake at night wondering if there was someone I missed, someone who felt differently and would take the massacre of their compound as an act of war against me.

Sean's hand continues to circle my back. "Thank you for telling us," he acknowledges.

Owen nods his head, "Thank you, Sang."

I reach up and brush a loose tear from my cheek. "Now what?"

"Now we let Kota and Victor see if they can find out anything more about this individual. Meanwhile, I believe you have a training to get ready for. Tomorrow morning, I want you here at dawn with the others. You agreed to self defense training not too long ago. I'm assuming the offer still stands?"

My mouth opens and closes before I finally answer. "But you already have self defense training. I'm not sure what I can teach any of you."

"Think of it in terms of military strategy. We know how to be a classic, united war effort with trenches and gunnery and protocol. You are the equivalent of a guerrilla fighter. You can teach them how to become guerrilla fighters as well."

Weird analogy, but I get it. They were taught to stop and get away. I learned how to cripple and leave for dead. I had to aim for maximum pain while they were forceful and careful to not severely hurt anyone.

"They can teach me a lot, too," I admit.

Owen nods, "Tomorrow at dawn then. Everyone will meet here. And then Kota and I will take you to meet with the council." He stands up and gives me a millimeter smile, "I have faith you'll far exceed my expectations. Violin lessons begin after your training tonight."

I glance between him and Sean. "Why is everything happening right now?"

Sean leans in, his lips meeting my temple, "Just trust us."

Trust your family. The first rule of the Academy.

I nod at him, giving a soft smile. I could trust them.


"Where did you learn how to fight anyway?" I ask, picking myself up off the mat.

"Prison," Raven grits out, readying for me to attack him again.

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