Chapter 45

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"Ready, Sweetie?" Kota asks me as we wait with Mr. Blackbourne in the elevator.

"No," I answer honestly. I can't stop thinking about Erica's face when she saw Gabriel and myself. She must hate me.

"Don't worry about my mom. I'll talk to her. I would have earlier but we were short on time and she wasn't hearing any of it. She just needs time to cool off."

His words don't put me at ease. What if I damaged that relationship permanently?

The elevator dings and we all walk out together, approaching Dr. Robert's office. "There's a whole council in here?" I whisper.

Owen answers me, "The council is much smaller than you think it is, Miss Sorenson." He opens the door and I'm greeted by three friendly faces. One is, of course, Dr. Roberts, and the others are Mr. Duncan and Mrs. Rose, from the Academy camp.

"Nice to see you again," Mrs. Rose signs.

"Likewise," I smile at her, glancing at Mr. Duncan and Dr. Roberts.

"Please, sit," Dr. Roberts says, gesturing to three chairs brought in to form a sort of circle.

I take the middle chair, Owen and Kota flanking me.

"I understand you've been adjusting well?" Dr. Roberts begins.

Play it cool. "Yes, I've been trying to. My team's been very helpful in my recovery."

Dr. Roberts smiles. "Good. I've been getting reports since you've been back. Axel Toma has been very impressed with you thus far. I saw that you've been improving in your mental state, taking time to emotionally recuperate as well."

Excuse me? "I have been talking with Mr. Blackbourne." I'm not sure if that's what I was supposed to say.

"Yes, you've been processing what happened. I hear you've also been having less nightmares."

I try not to look surprised. Owen was documenting my recovery? I'm momentarily caught off guard by my nightmares as well. I used to have them every night. When was the last time I had one?

"Yes," I acknowledge. How much have they documented?

"I hope you're aware of how impressive your recovery has been. Not many people live through what you have, let alone seem to process it at remarkable speed and focus that on assisting others. You truly are remarkable."

Is that what I am? I don't feel remarkable. I feel like I'm barely holding it together and about to lose it. Impressive. That is not the word I would use. I'm just trying to wake up every morning and survive without the crippling fear and guilt I constantly battle.

"Owen, please enlighten me on how she's been for your team."

It's weird hearing someone else call Owen by his first name. The guys always say Mr. Blackbourne.

"She has been absolutely incredible," there's another strange word, "She has taught my team numerous self defense techniques unique from our traditional training. She has made strides in identifying a person of interest that we haven't been able to for years. Our job regarding the missing persons in downtown Charleston could not have been finished without her. She identified a violent cult on a weekend away to which those individuals have been arrested. Her work at Lynette's after a single week removed a dangerous faculty member preying on girls, leading to the successful infiltration of another bird team. My team has been with her every step, and she has been an undying source of inspiration. She's teaching them new techniques every day. Likewise, she's been undergoing tutelage of her own. She is currently studying the violin, piano, consistently working with sign language-all studies my team is currently leading her in."

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