Chapter 16

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After another fourteen hour drive, we're pulling up to Nathan's house.

Kota and Nathan each go to their respective houses, and the others collect their cars and depart.

I get into the passenger seat of Owen's car, Sean sliding in behind me.

"I don't like this," Sean starts as soon Owen pulls out of the driveway.

"I'm not a fan, either," Owen agrees.

"It's our best shot, and you know it," I remind them.

I knew they would fight me on this. My plan puts me in danger yet again, and they're rightfully worried. I'm worried, too.

I've been back barely a week, my skills and comfort levels untested, my preparedness unknown. I could break down at a bad time, have a panic attack. They could never find me.
So many things could go wrong, so fast.

I get their worry, I do. If one of them proposed my plan, I would have a problem with it.

But we don't have the luxury of having a choice.

We pull into my complex and get out in silence.

We say nothing until we're safely in my apartment and the doors have locked behind us.

"There must be some other way," Sean continues.

I walk into my bedroom, knowing they're both following me. Placing my bag on my bed, I begin unpacking.

"We don't have time. So many people have already been taken. Some are dying. We need to stop this quickly," I've been saying the same thing for fourteen hours.

"You're still hurt," Sean pushes.

I turn to him and throw my hands up in the air, "What if I take the time to heal and others are taken? Or more end up dead? We have a chance now that we didn't before. I can do this."

"I'm not questioning you, I'm questioning the situation. So many things can go wrong."

That's what I'm afraid of, but I don't voice my fears. Owen once told me if I was confident, the others wouldn't doubt so much. Given that was relationship advice, not work advice, but whatever.

Sean throws his hands up, too, "We have no control over this! You could be down there for weeks before we find you, with no back up, no communication, nothing!"

"No she won't," Owen interjects, stopping Sean and mine's argument.

We both turn to him.

"What do you mean?" Sean asks hesitantly.

Owen sighs and places his hands in his pockets, "I'm going with you," he looks right at me.

"No," I protest, but he cuts me off.

"They're going to try to take you when you're unsuspecting, near other people that fit the profile. They'll think they can over power you if they can take you out fast. I'll make sure to be there, so they take us both."

"They could kill you instead," I'm worrying an imprint into the belt in my hands.

"They'd rather have a fighter instead of a body. They've been careful not to leave evidence besides the outskirts."

I stare at him. He can't be serious.

He stares back.

He's totally serious. Okay, now we need to replan.

"I have a better idea," as I say it, I wish I didn't. "Austin already knows I have a boyfriend. I'll invite him over and you guys can meet," that'll be awkward, "and I'll try to find a way where we're all together when we go down there. Shouldn't be too hard if you act like an overprotective boyfriend."

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