Chapter 39

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After I make dinner, I'm on the road to Victor's house. Sean insisted Nathan just stay with him rather than being alone. I hope Nathan talks to him if he needs to. Anything's better than being alone. I was alone for years and it never helped me in the slightest.

Victor's house was across town from where I used to live on Sunnyvale. It was far from the Academy hospital as well; it was far from everything. The closest person to Victor was Gabriel, but he only had his moped and no actual vehicle to get around. Maybe Victor would have Gabriel use his BMW until he gets back on his feet again. If he gets back on his feet.

Victor, the prince to my princess. The one who never hesitated to get me whatever I needed, whenever I needed it. From the numerous phones I kept breaking, to the new mattress he surprised me with in my grey house, and the beautiful violin I must have lost place of. A twinge of guilt wracks through me. I loved that violin. It was what really marked the beginning of me being family to them, them providing for me without asking for anything in return.

I head south towards Charleston, but I quickly realize I don't remember exactly how to get to his house. Driving and being a passenger is very different when you're actually thinking about how to get somewhere.

I pull out my phone and glance at it while I drive down the road, locating North's Jeep icon and pressing the black button to call him.

He picks up on the first ring, "What's wrong?"

"Excuse you, I don't only call when something's wrong," I defend myself.

"Usually I'm the one calling you when nothing's wrong, not the other way around," he grumbles.

A pang goes through me as I think about it. He didn't say it maliciously, more matter-of-fact. I used to call him when I had nightmares, before I stopped talking to him about them. Otherwise when we called it was usually him asking me to call. I never really noticed before. Do I not call them just to talk? Usually if I think about it, it's because I worry I might be interrupting something.

"I never know if you're too busy," I say in a quiet voice.

North sighs over the phone, "I know, Baby. But we're never too busy for you. And I know you don't want to bother us if we're out on Academy jobs, but you're still always welcome to call us anytime, even just to talk. If we can't answer then we'll call you back as soon as we can. You never have to worry about bothering us, Sang Baby."

His words warm my heart, and it makes me feel slightly guilty, "But, I did call because I needed your help."

He chuckles, "What can I do for you?"

"I'm currently driving to Victor's house and can't remember how to get there," I'm almost embarrassed.

"Where are you now?"

He walks me through how to get into the wealthier parts of Charleston, being patient and not teasing me for being lost already.

When I see Victor's giant house up ahead, I pull directly into his long driveway, relieved his gate is open.

"I'm here, North Star. Thank you," I tell him, appreciating him staying on the line with me through my drive.

"Anytime, Baby."

I hang up and put my phone in the hoodie pocket, turning the car off and pocketing the keys as well. I grab Victor's heavy computer bag from the backseat and put the strap over my shoulder, sliding his phone into one of the outer pockets.

The cool night air raises the hair on my neck. The air seems heavy, as if it's supposed to rain soon, or maybe that's just from Victor's house being closer to the ocean.

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