Chapter 40

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I spent the next few days with Victor, rarely leaving his side. We watched numerous movies, played board games, video games, and he's even been talking me through beginner lessons on the piano.

Aside from the obvious, we were enjoying ourselves.

Sean came frequently, sometimes multiple times a day, always checking Victor's feet, moving his legs, starting physical therapy. The nurses who were fawning over Victor first hated when Sean would arrive, but his flirtatious personality and kind heart made them warm up to him quickly.

Today was the fourth day Sean's pulled out that long metal tool, testing Victor's reactions. Victor hasn't looked at it since the first day. Instead, he looks at me and I hold his hand and we talk about what we're going to do that day or what we want to both do someday.

"You still have to take me to Japan, someday. You told me we could put my Japanese skills too use. See if Sean's any good at teaching," I tease them both.

"Hey now, I'm amazing," Sean defends himself, rattling off something in Japanese that I have no hope of understanding.

I look at Victor and he just shrugs, his fingers grazing the back of my hand.

"How's he today, Doc?" Kota asks Sean, coming to where we hover around Victor still in bed.

Sean moves Victor's legs, testing, "His bullet wound is healing well. He'll make a full recovery from it."

Kota glances at his phone and back up at Sean. "And his legs?"

"We'll know soon enough."

I turn back to Victor, Kota watching Sean as he fiddles with his medical tools.

"And of course we'll need to go to Europe. I have a few vacation houses over there. But I think Silas and North would kill us if we went there without them," Victor continues, focusing on me.

"Victor..." Sean says, his voice drained of any humor.

I snap my head over to him, scared about Sean's ghostly demeanor and serious tone.

He's moving the silver tool back up Victor's foot where the toes twitch ever so slightly.

"What?" I ask Sean, not understanding his face. He draws up the silver tool again and I watch the process and reaction again. My face falling as I understand.

His toes twitched. It was so slight, but it definitely twitched.

"Victor," I breathe, looking back at his face.

"What?" he asks, still confused.

Sean puts away the silver tool and touches his foot. "Looks like you might be walking again," a small grin on his face. "But it's going to be a lot of physical therapy. You have nerve function in one foot. Hopefully you'll get it in the other as well, but right now we're still unsure. Assuming you get feeling soon, then it could be six months to a year before you can comfortably move around. You may have a permanent limp. Only time and work will tell how bad of one. Good thing you're young. You have the best opportunity to fully heal."

Victor's eyes are wide and he's not saying anything. But he doesn't have to. This is all very promising.

Kota's phone goes off and he reluctantly steps aside to take it.

"Victor," I say again, the largest smile on my face.

He looks at me, "What if it doesn't take?" he asks Sean, while still looking at me.

Sean smiles at him and pats his foot, "You've been given a bit of hope. Appreciate it, don't question it."

I lean down and kiss Victor's forehead. He may not have a guarantee, but he has more of a chance than he did yesterday.

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