Chapter 14

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I feel the door open and I freeze, continuing to pretend to be asleep. I hear multiple footsteps trying to approach stealthily, but only two succeed.

Then I smell spice and sugar and something weird I know must be Gabriel. All seven of them slowly walk further into the room.

They all stop near the bed, saying nothing.

"Didn't anyone ever teach you it's creepy to stare at someone while they sleep?" I mumble.

"No actually, only when they're awake," Luke says.

"Go away," Sean says beside me.

"We had to make sure you weren't going to turn her into a human sacrifice."

That did really happen, didn't it?

I sigh and try to sit up, but pain shoots through my shoulder and arm as I try to lift myself. I make a small noise of pain and collapse back on the bed.

"I'm staying here, today, guys," I say under the worried gazes of all nine boys.

Sean's immediately up and hovering over me, "Shoulder?" He asks.

"Yeah," I respond.

He gently helps me up into a sitting position, and I can finally turn and look at the guys.

I kind of wish I hadn't.

A few look distressed at my appearance. Others look murderous.

"I'm fine, really," I say.

"You're not fucking fine, Baby," North growls out. He's definitely one of the murderous ones.

"I knew letting you go alone was a bad idea," Kota runs his hands through his hair.

"You didn't let me do anything, Kota. It was my choice," I reason.

"Wait a minute, Trouble," Gabriel starts, "You kicked Nathan's ass. Why are you so fucking banged up from a couple fuckers who can't be in even the same fucking realm as Nathan?" He really had to try to insert swearing in there.

"It's kind of hard to fight six people coming at you with knives."

A few of them wince.

"What's the damage, Doc?" Nathan asks Sean.

"Lacerations, possible hip fracture, abrasions-the works," I can see him trying not to go all clinical again.

I rub my hands against my face and yawn.

"I hope your hands are wrapped because you punched them so fucking hard," North says.

I smile at that, "They are," I look around for the clock but too many bodies are blocking my view. "What time is it?"

"A little after 8, Sweetie," Kota answers.

"Crap," I say, pulling the sheets back and scooting to the edge. I try to stand but wince when I put weight on my feet.

"What the fuck happened there?" Gabriel shouts.

"Running through the woods barefoot does that," I grimace and stand again. It hurts, but tolerable.

I move to my bag and pull out my clothes.

"Where do you think you're going?" North demands.

"I came here for Sarah. I'm not leaving without paying respects." I hobble to the bathroom and get ready, grateful that my blouse is a button up.

I emerge from the bathroom to meet several unhappy faces.

None of them want me to go.

"Mr. Blackbourne?" I ask.

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