Chapter 23

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"Is somebody going to tell me what the fuck happened to Trouble's neck?"

Gabriel walks over to me, angling my head to the side to see better.

"North, did you do that?" Gabriel asks.

I swear I can hear a pin drop.

"Fuck you," North replies.

"Gabriel, it happened during the job yesterday. I'm fine."

Gabriel looks doubtful, shooting a glare at North.

Owen clears his throat, "Mr. Coleman, why would you believe Mr. Taylor was the cause of her bruises?"

Gabriel shrugs and I instantly know what he's going to bring up.

"He's a biter." Gabriel shrugs again, and I don't think he realizes the implications.

The room's still silent.

"Fuck, no," North yells.

Gabriel silently opens his mouth, finally realizing what he said, his face going red.

"Care to elaborate?" Owen presses.

Now my face is red.

"They bite each other," Gabriel blurts.

My face burns now.

Sean turns, looking at me curiously, "You let him bite you?"

This is not happening.

I slowly nod my head.

Sean gets a sly grin on his face, his eyes twinkling, "Can I try?"

"No," Owen says.

I don't remember my face being this red.

"Now we need to discuss your job yesterday and this new one you've committed to," Owen gets right down to business, still eyeing my neck.

Luke walks over to me, handing me a plate of food, and I smile at him warmly, scooting over so he can sit back down on the couch.

I'm quietly eating my fruit and my crackers, preparing for them to freak out on me.

"It was a simple stake out," I say vaguely, knowing they won't buy it.

North's glare is enough to provoke an explanation.

"Axel and I were at a club, keeping an eye on the dealer. He went into a back room, I followed him, got everything on those glasses Corey made, and when they tried to clear out after the firealarm, I was a loose end." I blurt everything so fast, I'm surprised any of them heard me. But from the look of displeasure I see, they definitely heard me.

I eat a cracker loudly, waiting.

"What happened to the man who hurt you?" Owen seems mildly upset, and the fact that he seems upset at all gives away his absolute fury.

"I left him on the floor and left with Raven," I say quietly.

"I thought you were supposed to be with Axel," Kota pushes his glasses farther up his nose.

"Raven and Kayli were there just in case anything went wrong." Their displeasure is evident.

"And you being strangled doesn't count?" Nathan's trying to stay calm, but failing.

"If they had involved themselves any sooner, it would've been a bloodbath. Corey was watching through the glasses and Raven was just by the door."

I can tell they're still angry, but simmering down a bit.

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