Chapter 81

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guys, i'm so sorry. here's a super late update at 2:05 am in the morning. I edited this just now and my eyes are shutting so if there's any mistakes, don't be afraid to point it out! It actually helps a lot!

hope you like this chapter!! let me know what you think!



Unknown: You think people are going to believe your 'story'? BIG mistake. They might have fallen for your wedding story but this is a big fat no.


It was as icy as ever, the atmosphere between all the boys after that and it was a shame to see them unable to even work with each other without being a little awkward due to their difference of opinions.

"Jasmine, it's not a small discussion though. It changes all the group dynamics. Harry's clearly not into the band any longer." Harry began to interrupt but Niall told him to wait a minute so he could finish. "Zayn won't say a word. Louis and Liam are just busy enjoying themselves without a stress in the world."

"And what about you, Niall? You're way too attached to the band to remember the negative stuff. Just because I suggested some kind of break doesn't mean that I'm not into the band any longer. Besides, throughout this, I consistently said that I don't mind continuing if we all make a decision to renew our contract. I love this band just as much as you all do. But all I'm asking you guys to do is just consider it. I don't know why you're painting me like the bad guy when I'm worried about our sanity." Harry snapped, fed up with the treatment he'd been receiving lately as he got up and made his way straight out of the hotel room, clearly livid.

I didn't go after him; I knew he needed some time to himself. And I would definitely be there for him as soon as he got back, or if I'd noticed he'd been out for too long. But if I'd gone to him then, I knew it would have been pointless as he was definitely angry and wouldn't open up.

The truth was as much as Harry was right, so was Niall about it definitely changing the band's dynamics. And they didn't need to wait too long for it to be visible as that shift was obvious to everyone over the next few days, even though we had merely a few sleeps until the start of the tour.

I was worried about the band. I was worried about Harry. I knew that Harry felt as though it was all his fault, these arguments. He definitely took the blame for it and it stressed him out so much as he regretted bringing it up, wishing that he just left the issue there. And it was clear how stressed he was with the way he tried to make up by putting in more effort in the musical side of the band, the writing and the demos for the next album. But that had an impact on his own happiness as he spent more time either stressed or busy and it was why when Mum, Dad and I were due to go for dinner with Harry one day, he turned up late. And whilst I tried to give him some leeway because I knew how busy he was, it also did annoy me because we'd postponed our dinner plan for the longest time since he was just never free and I really would have appreciated him trying to come home earlier so that we weren't scurrying last minute at the restaurant, after having lost our reservation for turning up late.

"I truly am sorry, J." Harry told me when we'd gotten back home after dinner and I knew he felt bad for what had happened but whilst I tried to be sympathetic, it did frustrate me aswell because his tour began soon and I knew the next year would go in the whole tour thing all over again.

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