Chapter 40

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"Harry, we'll go down together." She says to me. "Just wait a moment, please."

"Yeah, okay." I nod as I watch her get off of the bed from where I'm now stood at me wardrobe to find some comfortable clothes to change into aswell. These jeans restrict movement. I put my clothes on the bed and just stand by the bathroom and watch as Jasmine washes her face free of the makeup she had put on before, most of which had already rubbed off by her tears when she was crying.

"I put makeup on for no reason." She says to which I chuckle. 

"You always put makeup on for no reason. You don't need it."

"It makes me feel confident." She shrugs.

"And that's the only thing that's keeping me from throwing your products out." I smirk.

"You wouldn't dare."

"You have no idea."

"Well, to be fair I'm not bothered right now, so I guess you get what you want." She says as she walks out of the bathroom, offering a small smile before walking to the dressing table. She brushes her hair, leaving it out to rest on her shoulders, before putting some moisteriser on her face and then applying lip balm.

"Come on." I say to her standing by the foot of the bed, waiting for her. She bites her lip as she walks over to me and we both walk out of the room together. She walks a little bit behind me, understandably.

"Jasmine." Eleanor says as soon as we enter the living room. She walks over to us and pulls Jasmine into a tight hug.

"Careful, the bruises." I say and Eleanor remembers so loosens her grip a bit. I shake my head with a small chuckle before walking back to the sofa and taking a seat there. Sophia also gets up and walks over to Jasmine at that time.

"Everything alright?" Zayn asks me.

"Yeah." I nod. "Nothing to worry about. My phone had fallen."

"Ohkay." He nods. Their attention then turn to Jasmine.

"Come, sit." I say to her, signalling to the seat next to me and she does so a little nervously. When she sits, I put my hand on her knee to help calm her down.

"You okay?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah." She nods.

"How are you feeling, Jaz?" Liam asks.

"A little sore everywhere, but I'm alright I guess." She offers a sad smile.

"How do you feel though, like emotionally?" Louis asks. "You must be quite disturbed?"

"I am, not going to lie. I keep feeling like he's here, watching me. Like he's around me and it makes me feel really paranoid." She admits. "You guys are staying, right?"

"Well, what do you want?" Niall asks. "We'll do so."

"Please stay." She says, her voice cracking a tiny bit at the end, showing her pleading tone.

"If that's what you want, we will." Liam nods which makes me smile softly.

"Thank you." She smiles softly.

"How are the bruises?" Zayn asks which makes her take a sharp breath in.

"They hurt." She chuckles a bitter chuckle.

"How bad are they? Can I see?" Sophia asks with concern evident on her face.

"I- I um-" She struggles with what to say and I know I have to take it from here.

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