Chapter 12

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"Right, sorry, we can leave." I say to Alice just as I check my make up in the mirror as well as my outfit. Today was my last day in Australia and Harry and I were set to leave for London in the afternoon but I organised for Alex, Alice, Amy, Hannah and I to go out together. We asked Harry and Gemma to also join us but apparently they were going to visit their cousins in the hotel they were staying at first and join us halfway through. So with that, we gave them the address to the cafe we were going to.

We got in Alex's car immediately and began our short drive to Hannah's house so we could pick her up. It was only five minutes away and when Alex parked outside the building, I'd gotten out so that I can call Hannah. When I got there, I realised that Hannah was on the phone, presumably with her man and she hurriedly shut the phone so that she could follow me out which made me laugh. But it was that that told me she was waiting for us to come.

The journey to the cafe was absolutely bittersweet for me since it was super happy and exciting and heartwarming but at the same time, knowing that this wouldn't be experienced for a long while, it was equally heart-breaking. The sound of the radio with the front window down, allowing breeze to enter the car and the sound of laughter and chatter added to the feeling of sadness whilst balancing out the happiness. It was insane how two strongly opposing and conflicting emotions can be in sync at the same time so perfectly. But I guess it matched the irony of the situation we were in, where I was equally comfortable with the way life was about to change in less than 24 hours but also was strongly opposed to it. As I spoke with my family, taking occasional glances to the outside world through my window, the moments where everyone was talking amongst each other caused me to completely forget about any other stresses in life, bringing nothing but happiness to my face. However, just like the clouds occasionally covering the sun every few seconds, the small moments of silence allowed for various thoughts to cloud my brain. It made me realise that these people I had around me were absolute rays of sunshine in my life.

We got to the cafe a while later and took a table in the corner, saving two seats for Harry and Gemma who had just texted Alex that they were now on their way to the cafe.

Loads of conversations spiked up but I was just glad that they all avoided the topic of me since I felt that I'd had too much attention in the last week and I was just fed up of that attention.

Alice and I were conversing amongst ourselves whilst Hannah and my brother seemed to be bickering. 

It was adorable to see how Hannah was treated as family by everyone in my family. Often best friends are deemed sisters and that's certainly true for Hannah and I. I'm accepted in her family easily and she's in mine. And you can see it in the way Hannah's called Hannah Banana by Amy, in the way Alice feels free to hang out with the pair of us and also with the way Alex bickers with her in the way he bickers with me. Mum and Dad see her as their own child, allowing her to walk in whenever she wants.

And I could see that Harry and Gemma were slowly becoming a part of us, hanging out with us and reaching similar levels of closeness and that scared me sometimes but I tried to not think about it.

I was laughing at something Alice said when a girl walks up to us. The conversation around the table stops as we turn to look at her. Having experienced this a couple of times whilst Harry was away on tour, I was becoming slightly better at dealing with situations like this but it didn't take away the factor that I was always scared.

"Are you Jasmine Styles?" She asks, looking at me.

"Yeah." I reply with a smile. The one thing I'd learnt was to try and keep awkwardness at bay, trying to allow the other person to be comfortable and it would allow me to be comfortable too. By this point, everyone else turned back to their original conversations so that they weren't observing my every move or speech, knowing it would make me uncomfortable.

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