Chapter 74

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I like this weekly update thing but I feel like editing is taking up so much time that I'm not getting enough time to write. But it's okay, I should be alright for the next few chapters.

Also, if you thought everything was going to turn back to sunshine and happy meadows after the last update... this one's going to surprise you. 😜

Hope you like the chapter! Let me know what you think!

Over the next month, Harry had to fly out quite a bit since he had a lot of promo work to get done and it just made me mad when I thought about the continuous work they did. Only part of the reason was that it meant I had to say goodbye and I was so bad at it. But luckily they weren't gone for long intervals. It was short periods of time that were spread over the two months. And they, luckily, got a break for Christmas and the New Year. 

It was also Louis' birthday during their break and we had huge party and for some reason, knowing that I could stick with my small family of friends, I didn't care about the amount of people that were around us that day.

We'd gone to Anne's place for Christmas and Gemma also came over with Michael. There was a large family gathering there aswell but they were all people that I'd met before at the family party that Anne planned for us the first time we went to Holmes Chapel. It was insane what time did because now I was interacting with everyone in a much different way now than I did the last time and I think it was the confidence I'd gained in the last few days, whenever Harry was around.

Apparently the Styles' family had a family tradition every year of this quiz night on Christmas night and it was the cutest thing ever, with everyone splitting into two groups and Anne took out a lot of quiz kind of games for us all to play. The teams were clearly a set thing and had gone on for years in the way they'd played it and it was such a beautiful sight to see such a tradition.

"You know I remember gathering at my grandparents and Gemma and I were really little and we used to play it back then aswell." Harry told me as he was sprawled across the sofa, moments before we were about to start the quiz game. I smiled, not knowing how else to respond because I'd found it so adorable and literally so beautiful. "Back then we only cared about competing against each other, Gemma and I."

"Harry, don't lie. That's all we still care about." Gemma replied from the other sofa as she put her phone away. Hearing that made Harry laugh and he shrugged his shoulders so as to say that there wasn't anything wrong in what she was saying which made me laugh.

"Jasmine's definitely on our team, isn't she?" Gemma checked with Harry and Harry nodded, affirming what Gemma had said, but only whilst saying that it was also up to me. But it was no given, of course I would have gone and stayed on his team, just for the sake of my socially awkward behaviour.

But putting all that aside, we had the most fun ever. It was so much fun to see the level of excitement that was flowing around the room against Harry's entire family and friends who'd come over. Harry's grandparents were watching us, excited and it just made me so happy. It must have been great for them to see that something they brought into tradition was still being carried out.

Presents time, though, was the worst. Well, it was the worst when it came to me receiving because I was so awkward when it came to gifts and presents. Giving presents was a natural to me though. I enjoyed the search for presents so much, unlike others who found it too stressful.

But Christmas was gone soon and was replaced with the New Year. And for some reason the first thought that came in my mind was that in just under four months, Harry and I would have been married for an entire year. It boggled my mind and I couldn't understand how that was even possible. Time was a crazy, crazy thing. It was just mind-blowing to me.

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