Chapter 68

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Unknown: Daily reminder - look at yourself in the mirror. Work for what you want to see rather than just complaining or being upset when others note what you should be noting yourself.


Lux slept in between Harry and I that night as neither of us wanted to leave her in the guest room all on her own.

It was only after Lux fell asleep that we both fell asleep too.

It was around six when I'd woken up and just couldn't get back to sleep for some reason. So, I decided to talk to Mum and Dad for a while. It was around half past six when I'd finished talking to them and I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Since Lux was here and I remember her telling me back in Australia how her favourite food was pancakes, I'd started making the batter for it.

Harry came down shortly afterwards, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I was looking for you everywhere." Harry says to me. "Even went up to the terrace."

"I was there like ten to fifteen minutes ago." I smile softly. "Why were you looking for me?"

"Wondered where you were all of a sudden since you weren't in bed." He replies, walking into the kitchen, a yawn stopping his actions. "I'm so tired, oh my God." He grabs himself a glass of water.

"How comes?" I ask, concerned, watching him take a seat at the counter.

"After you fell asleep, I did as well and it was all good. But at some point in the night, it got cold and I realised the balcony door was open so I got up to close it. But when I looked out of the balcony I saw something which gave me some inspiration for a song. So I got myself water and went to write the ideas down."

"Aw, Harry." I look at him. "How long were you awake for after that?"

"Like under two hours." He responds. "I was so excited and I was just writing some lyrics down; noted a few chords on the guitar. It was good when I was writing it. I didn't want to stop until I finished it. But now, I just feel sleep-deprived."

"Why don't you go back to sleep now?"

"Come back to bed." He looks at me, pleading.

"Of course." I smile at him, reaching forth for his hand to get him to stand up. "Wait, let me just put some cling film on this." I say, referring to the pancake batter and he follows me, allowing me to do that quickly.

"What were you making?"

"Pancakes. Lux said she likes them." I tell him and he smiles, nodding.

"How are you feeling after yesterday, by the way? You were exhausted after work yesterday."

"I'm fine now." I smile softly as we leave the kitchen to go back upstairs. "What did you see that inspired you last night?"

"It's stupid." He sighs.

"I'm sure it's not." I roll my eyes.

"It is." He replies. "There was a-" He begins but shakes his head. "I'll tell you when it's finished."

"Okay." I nod my head, understanding how he might be feeling. "We have to drop Lux to school, right?" I ask him, lowering my voice as we walk into the room.

"Yeah." He replies. "We'll go together, it'll be fun." He smiles as he takes his phone to set an alarm. "If that's the case, we only have one hour we can sleep for."

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