Chapter 75

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Unknown is typing...

Unknown sent a chat...

Unknown: Got rid of your SIM card, did you? No worries, I have your Snapchat. And if you delete that, don't worry - I have plenty of other ways to contact you.


From: Harry

Interview finished a while back, just got home. When are you coming? I'm bored😩

That was the text I got from Harry in the afternoon whilst I was at work that put a smile on my face. Today was the last day we were in London before we left for Australia in the early hours of the morning. I was beyond excited and couldn't wait to go back home.

I got home at my usual time and thanked Anthony as he stopped infront of our porch. I got out of the car and made my way straight inside, flicking the light on in the foyer since it had gotten dark. I walked into the house, finding it eerily quiet for some reason. Usually Harry would be talking to someone on his phone or he would be playing some music but there was no sound in the house. Frowning, I walked over to the living room and found that the light was switched on and the TV was playing on Sky News. I turned to the sofas, walking closer to them and found that Harry was asleep, his phone held lightly in his hand.

I didn't wake him up; he deserved his beauty sleep. I felt bad for him, knowing that he wasn't someone who would nap during the day. I went over to him, putting his phone on the coffee table where I saw that his notebook was left on the table too. I closed it, putting his pen ontop of it and putting it to the side.

I dimmed the light before going upstairs to change into something more comfortable. I also brought down with me a blanket and the home phone so I can order a takeaway.

Once I've done everything that was on my mind, I take a seat on the other sofa, my laptop in my lap as I try to do some work but I just end up texting Mum and spending my time talking to her.

It's a while later when I notice Harry rubbing his eyes to adjust to the light and so I tell Mum I'll talk to her later.

"How long have you been home?" Harry asks me, yawning, that being the first few words that come out of his mouth.

"About forty minutes?" I reply and just then the doorbell rings. "Hold on." I say as I get up to get the door. 

Realising that it's probably the delivery man, I collect the money before I get up. I was proven right when the man stood in front of me as soon as I open the door is holding two plastic bags of yellow foam boxes with our burgers and fries. I pay him, say a thank you and make my way back to Harry.

"You ordered in?" He asks me, rubbing his eyes as he sits up on the sofa.

"Yeah." I reply. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah, you don't have to check with me for everything." He chuckles. "You should have woken me up when you got home."

"You looked cute like that."

He laughs at that. "You'd let me sleep just cuz I look 'cute'?"

"You can say cute normally, you know? It doesn't make you any less of a man." I laugh rolling my eyes and he rolls his eyes, frowning slightly which makes me laugh further.


We had dinner soon after a little bit of joking around and telling each other about our days and we watched some TV whilst we finished our dinner. It was whilst we were watching TV that I soon fell asleep, my tendency to fall asleep in movies being at its' finest today because I was already super tired. 

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