Chapter 13

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^ ^ ^ I just HAD to! ^ ^ ^

Also guys, I'm actually quite happy. It's not that late of an update right? 5 days?

Hope you like it! xx

"Jasmine. Come on. We're here." Harry calls from beside me, waking me from my sleep quite easily. As someone who experienced travel sickness, I took my medication before getting on the plane and that caused me to fall asleep for the entire plane ride. Well the medicine did fade off by the time we'd gotten on the second plane from Singapore to London. It was half way through and I'd began panicking that I was waking up right when the food was being served, something that triggered my sickness. Luckily Harry immediately got to my help to find my medicine from my purse and it wasn't long before the medicine put me to sleep again.

So luckily I made it through the flight without actually embarrassing myself which seemed like a victory on it's own to me.

Since it was a private jet, rich life and all that, we came down the stairs that were attached to the plane and Harry and I got our luggage off with some help from his security who we'd met with at Australia airport.

We were now walking through the airport so that we can get through the checks and it was a bit of a queue but a comfortable conversation filled between us, making the wait not so bad.

"On the way home, I was thinking we pick up a meal from McDonalds. Don't think either of us are in a mood to get home and actually stand in the kitchen and make dinner." He says. "But if you have any other idea, you can tell me."

"That should be fine." I say with a soft smile.

 "There's a drive-thru about 5 minutes away from here. We can grab a meal and eat in the car on the way home."

"Okay." I smile.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"I'm fine." I say, smiling to prove my point and he smiles back softly.

After everything formal is done and we were now free to make our exit, I decide to make my way to the toilet so that I can quickly fix myself up so that my first appearance with Harry in London is up to standard, knowing that we have a story to sell. 

Harry waits for me outside and I go inside the bathroom so that I can quickly make myself presentable. I reapply and touch up some of my makeup so I don't look like I've been sleeping this whole time. I play around with my hair for a while, seeing if it looked better in a ponytail or left out and I decided that it would be better left out so that if need be, I can hide behind it. 

Once I'm satisfied with how I look and I've taken some sips from my water bottle to hydrate myself, I make my way out of the bathroom where Harry's not moved from his place. He's talking to his security so I stand by, not wanting to interrupt.

"Jasmine, you might need to put your sunglasses on." Harry tells me, and I'm assuming he's relaying the message from security over to me. "Since we've been travelling this long, people are expecting our arrival and so it's quite hectic outside."

"Okay" I say to him and he smiles softly as he watches me rummage through my purse for my sunglasses.

"Harry, we'll load up the car." The security says to Harry and with that, Harry takes a step forward so that he's not leaning on the trolley and that way the security can push the trolley that had three suitcases and a smaller cabin bag, largely full of either my stuff or just wedding related stuff that we were bringing back with us.

"I'm going to go and sort myself out since I probably look a mess. Will you be okay on your own?" He asks me, ready to walk into the bathroom.

"Yeah." I nod my head.

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