Chapter 117

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Harry wanted to leave without waking me, but my sleep was so light that I awoke before him, our alarms chiming simultaneously. I reached over to stop them both and attempted to rub the sleep out of my eyes. Summer morning light danced through the curtains, dappling the ground as it cast a gentle bittersweet glow through the room. The light hit the edge of the bed and I could hear the sounds of the birds in our garden, a sound I'd grown so used to over time.

Stretching my limbs, I detached myself from Harry's embrace softly, as the remnants of drowsiness lingered. If I hadn't peeled myself away right then, I would have fallen back asleep and deeply regretted missing him leave. The reminder in my brain that he was leaving was like a relentless echo, one that refused to fade into quietness as it only got louder by the minute, an impending event that weighed heavily on my heart. The memories of the night before flickered through me like pages in a storybook, one that couldn't possibly be my reality. His gentle touch and whispered words, our shared care and vulnerability for each other, it was a night so raw and filled with love. A love so pure and rare, it surprised me that it was mine.

I turned to look at Harry, and it took me by surprise to notice that he was awake too, his fingers tangled in his hair, lost in deep thought. The creases on his forehead were a sign of the weight his mind bore in contemplation. His gaze shifted to me, upon my movement, watching as I brought my hand up to ease the lines of worry. With a sharp intake of breath, he smiled softly.

"It's doomsday," he spoke up, his voice hoarse, evidence of his troubled self the night prior. His attempt at a joke brought out the smallest smile on my face too. Receiving no reply from me, he sat up in bed, sighing. "I'm going to go take a shower, I'll be back." He informed me, before standing up, sliding his feet into the slippers that lay on his side of the bed.

As he rounded the bed to the wardrobe, he picked up his trusty lilac bathrobe, putting it on as he walked around to get his clothes for the day. He didn't spend too long deciding, just taking out a basic tee, with his usual black jeans. And eventually, he sauntered into the bathroom, not a word spoken.

I sighed, picking up my phone. It was almost dead, as neither of us had even bothered to charge our phones before we slept. I checked Harry's phone, noticing that it also needed charging, so I quickly plugged it in as well as his power bank, in case he needed it on the flight. Whilst he showered, I got out of bed, slipping my own night robe over me, the satin feeling great against me. I hurried to the kitchen where I quickly made the two of us a coffee and tossed up an omelette for him. Had I left it to him, he'd leave without even having any breakfast, insisting that he'd grab it on the way.

"Jasmine?" I heard him call my name, and his voice got closer as I heard footsteps nearing the kitchen. "Jasmine, why are you up?" He sighed, his towel in his hand as he dried his hair with it.

"Have breakfast before you leave," I'd said as I poured the coffee into his cup so that he could take it with him and finish it till he got to the airport. I finally looked over at him properly, noticing that he was dressed already, only having to dry his hair and wear his shoes before he left. "I put your phone on charge and your headphones are on our bedside table. Oh, and the power bank too - it's on charge as well. Have you put your toothbrush and stuff in your bag?"

It seemed as though he was about to say one thing, his mouth opening to speak, but he suddenly became quiet, then saying, "Thank you, babe. I appreciate it." He left a lingering kiss on my cheek, his wet hair touching me briefly as he moved away.

"You look gorgeous, it's insane," he almost whispered, right before he stepped back to take in the burgundy night robe that served me as a long dress. I grimaced, unaware of how to respond, so I merely shook my head, laughing softly.

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