Flooded Out

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Monday morning Nikki has just arrived at work with her handbag resting on one arm and a bottle of water in her other hand, she walks into the offices and is met by the smell of freshly brewed coffee. She walks to her desk and sighs as she is met by a mountain of paperwork which Thomas has left for her. The office is oddly quiet apart from the radio which is playing softly in the background, Nikki walks over to the radio and turns it up slightly as there is no one in the offices with her, the song 'Sweetest Devotion' by Adele comes on and plays softly in the background.

She hums along to the radio as she turns the kettle on and prepares herself for a day of paperwork. Nikki prepares her drink before walking over to where the sofas are in the kitchen part of the offices. She jumps with shock as she sees Jack lying on the sofa, his shoes off, set beside the sofa and his top off, "Jack?" She mumbles.

There is no response but she finds herself watching him for a moment as his chest rises and falls, she breathes a sigh of relief knowing full well he is alive and not dead. Jack soon stirs as he senses someone looming over him. He stretches out a little and opens his eyes, as his eye slight focuses he is met by Nikki stood over him. "Hi" Jack mutters tiredly.

"Did you sleep here?" Nikki questions curiously as she opens the blinds.

Jack winces as natural daylight comes flooding through into the offices, "Erm... yep," He mumbles still trying to get his baring's.
"Why... you have a perfectly good bed at home" She begins as she looks at him, "So everyone tells me" She mumbles as she walks off to sort her drink out. "Coffee?"

Jack sits up and grabs his t-shirt and pulls it on, "Yes please... flat is flooded with sewerage, next door was doing work and next thing I know I'm up to my knees in sewerage..." Jack explains.

"So where are you stopping?" Nikki questions as she stirs her coffee and looks across at Jack as he slips his belt back on.
"Haven't figured that one out yet," He responds.
"You can't keep sleeping on the sofa in here, HR will have a field day with you..." She speaks as she gently sips the warm drink.
Jack chuckles and shakes his head, "I'll probably find a hotel," He speaks.

Nikki walks back over to her desk and sits down, logging onto her laptop she thinks to herself for a moment and then looks back up at Jack as he makes his way over to his desk opposite her. "Jack? why don't you come to stop with me for a while? I do have the room and a spare bedroom," Nikki suggests with a smile.
"Are you sure? I mean I would hate to be bothering you" Jack responds.

Nikki smiles and rolls her eyes at him, "I wouldn't have suggested if you weren't welcome, stay for as long as needed, as long as you make your bed and do your dishes" Nikki responds.

Jack smiles happily to himself, "Great, I will have to collect a few clothes from mine, wade through all that sewerage again."

"Great... and I'm assuming you will need to use the washing machine... to do your laundry today?" Nikki cringes at the thought of her friend traipsing sewerage through her house.
"I'll use my own detergent; don't worry I am a grown-up" He smirks.
"Sure about that one?" Nikki smirks in response causing Jack to roll his eyes as her.

Later on that day Nikki is finishing up on her paperwork and is also preparing to go home including packing more paperwork so she can finish it later in the evening. Nikki stands up from her desk and gathers her jacket and bag before leaving the offices and bumping into Jack as she walks down the corridor, "Hey... here's my spare set of keys, I'll probably be in the shower when you get back," Nikki smiles as she hands him a small set of keys with a small metal keyring in the shape of an 'N'.

"Oh thanks, see you later" Jack speaks as he looks down at the keys in his hand before watching Nikki walk off.
He walks back into the offices where Clarissa is also finishing up for the day, "What are you so jolly about?" Clarissa quizzes.

"Nothing? Do I look jolly or something?" Jack questions as he places Nikki's house keys in his jacket pocket.
"So where are you stopping tonight?" Clarissa asks.
"Nikki's, she's offered to put me up for the time taken to get my flat sorted" Jack responds with a smile

Clarissa looks at him with a smile, "You two aren't... are you?" She quizzes.
"What! No, she's a friend... god, that would be terrible, I don't think I could ever work with her again," He blurts out.

"Well you know when we first came here I recall you using the words 'genius' and also 'fit', what's changed?" Clarissa quizzes with a smirk.
"Haha, very funny, that was years ago, anyway she has... oh yeah, I forgot" Jack mumbles suddenly remembering Matt had left Nikki after It came out that he was back with his ex-wife.
"She's more fragile than she is letting on right now, don't take advantage of her" Clarissa says reminding him of boundaries.

Jack just nods knowing full well he would never take advantage of her as Nikki is like his best friend. Soon Jack clears up his things and heads back to his sewerage swamped flat to gather a few belongings and then heads off to Nikki's.

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