Life Support

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The following morning Jack wakes early and heads out to the bathroom to use the toilet and brush his teeth before Nikki who usually takes her time in the bathroom, on coming out of the bathroom after using it, he is shocked to see Nikki's bedroom door wide open and her bed untouched.

His mind instantly falls to the idea that Nikki has ended up sleeping with some random man again, the anger builds in his stomach, although she wasn't his he felt the need to protect her like she was his girlfriend. He steps into her room just in case she has passed out on the floor, but nothing.

Jack sighs and then heads downstairs, he spots Nikki's heels on the floor by the door along with her jacket and bag, her housekeys thrown into the dish under the stairs like usual, he bites his lip and takes the plunge as he walks into the lounge expecting to see Nikki laying in another mans arms but instead is greeted by Nikki curled up on the sofa sleeping soundly.

His heart skips a beat as he basks in her beauty for a moment, her hair seemed to fall in a way that was just perfect to him making his heartbeat much quicker. "Nikki?" Jack whispers, but there is no response, he gently moves her hair out of her face as he leans over the sofa. He places two fingers to her neck and takes her pulse and breathes a sigh of relief as he feels her pulse. "Nikki?" Jack whispers again, gently shaking her shoulder.

"Mmm, what?" Nikki groans as she rolls over causing the fleece blanket to slip to her hips.
"What time did you get in?" He quizzes.
"Mmm, leave me alone Jack, it's Sunday" she groans as she holds her head and rolls onto her side.

Jack rolls his eyes at Nikki's response and then walks around the sofa and looks at her to see her clothing discarded by the side of the sofa, clearly no sign of any man, to Jack's relief. "Tea? Coffee?" Jack questions.
"Coffee... toast... paracetamol, life support..." Nikki groans as she continues to hold her head.
"Don't be so dramatic, get yourself dressed and I will make you breakfast" Jack smirks.

Nikki sits up and holds her head as she gathers her baring again, Nikki huffs as she manages to pull herself off the sofa, she stands for a minute holding her head before heading upstairs and putting a pair of bedshorts on and heading into the bathroom, she washes her face and brushes her teeth before heading back downstairs to Jack who has made her a cup of coffee, toast and put out some paracetamol for her. "You're a good friend, Jack," Nikki smiles as she sits at the breakfast bar.

Jack leans against the breakfast bar and looks down at his phone while Nikki nibbles at the toast and holds her head, waiting for the headache to subside. "I feel like a herd of elephants have had a wild party in my head..." Nikki mumbles.

He looks up at her and smirks, "Serves you right for getting absolutely shitfaced by the look of things."
Nikki rolls her eyes and then looks down at her toast before resuming nibbling the toast. Jack smirks and watches her before opening his mouth, "You're like a wee mouse..."

Nikki looks up at him and stops eating, "What!" She snaps.
"Sorry, but how you were eating that toast," He smirks.
"I may be hung over and only 5ft 4... but I can surely give you a black eye," She hisses as she sips her coffee.

Jack bites his lip and smirks at her angry response before walking out the kitchen and heading back upstairs to change into some normal clothes for the day. Jack returns downstairs to see Nikki stood up and messing with the coffee jar on the countertop she then turns the kettle on before walking over to the refrigerator.

She grabs the milk and then turns to look at Jack, "Are you on call?" Nikki quizzes as she notices he looks more formal than casual today.
"Yeah, unfortunately, but I will be out your hair if I am called out, let you nurse your own hangover like the little baby you are" He smirks.

"As I said, black eye, Jack, Black eye" Nikki responds as she goes back to the kettle and stands waiting for the kettle to finish boiling. Jack walks over to her and then reaches across her to grab a clean mug from the cupboard the other side of her, he gently places his hand on her hip so he doesn't knock her over.

Nikki goes to turn but is met face to face with Jack, he is that close she can feel his breath on her neck, Jack pauses as he looks down at Nikki, she also looks up at him. Her eyes flick to his lips and Jack's eyes flicks to her lips. He watches her lips a little longer before he goes to lean in but is disrupted by his phone ringing.

He smiles slightly with a half laugh before moving away from her and grabbing his phone and answering it, "Thomas?... yep... on my way," Jack speaks.

Nikki looks at him and bites her lip, she feels butterflies deep in her stomach as she watches him leave the kitchen and get ready to leave. "Fuck sake" She mumbles. She picks the kettle up and then pours herself another coffee. 'Why did you just fucking kiss him then? He wanted too' She thinks to herself before picking up her coffee and walking into the lounge.

"Right, I've got a shout, see you later" Jack smiles as he pops his head around the door and smiles at her warmly, Nikki nods without making eye contact out of fear she will blush at his presence.

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