A Grand Day Out

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Two Hours Later, the pair had arrived at London Zoo with the two girls in tow, they had walked slowly around the park, Nikki is pushing Harper's buggy and Jack had been captured by Molly who has evidently become best of friends with Jack.
As they near closer to the giraffe enclosure Molly lets go of Jack's hand and rushes off towards the wall, she stops and looks up at the giraffes and beams happily before looking back at Jack and Nikki who are walking in her direction. "Jack! Come see! Giraffes are my favourite animals..." she giggles waving him over.

Jack shares a look at Nikki who just laughs and pushes him forwards as she is stood back slightly with the buggy. Jack joins Molly a the enclosure wall and admires the giraffes with her, "I wish I was that tall" Molly sighs Leaning against the wall just admiring them.
Jack looks down at Molly and smiles before lifting her up above his head and sitting her on her shoulders, for an eight-year-old Molly was considerably small and dainty which made lifting her so much easier. "Thank you Jack" she giggles as Jack stands up straight making Molly a lot taller.

Nikki rolls her eyes at the pair and smiles before taking a photo and sending it to Emma, 'Somebody has gained a best friend, won't leave Jack alone x'. Nikki places her phone back in her coat pocket and watches he pair for a while, she knew deep down as much as Jack said he wants a son he would love a daughter just as much, she knew he would protect his own daughter till his last breath. Her mind drifts to the baby growing inside of her, she then feels a new sensation in her stomach, she places her hand to her stomach and smiles as she feels the slightest fluttering a sign her baby is starting to make itself known to her.

She is brought from her daydream by Jack calling her name and looking over his shoulder at her, "hey Nik, did you hear that?" Jack smirks and she shakes her head, Jack looks down at Molly and tells her to tell Nikki what she has just said to him.

"Did you know giraffes have the same number of neck vertebrae as humans, but they are much larger" Molly speaks confidently.
"And how do you know that?" She smiles at the eight-year-old rather impressed with her knowledge.
"A book Granddad Ernie gave me" Molly smiles.

Nikki nods with a smile before checking on Harper who is watching the giraffes from the safety of her buggy, Nikki walks around to her and crouches beside the buggy and smiles, "what's that Harper?... a very tall giraffe" Nikki coos as the six-month-old holds her arms out to Nikki indicating she wants to be held.

She unbuckles Harper from the buggy and lifts her out, all while Jack is stood watching her. He smirks noticing how she picked Harper up was a lot different to how she would normally pick anything up, it's a clear sign that her bump is starting to form. Jack turns his attention back to Molly who is listing off all giraffe's natural habits and instincts, in all honesty, he found it rather boring but he pretends like he cares and is interested so he doesn't upset the young girl.

Another hour passes and Jack complains he's hungry and naturally Molly also mentions that she is feeling hungry. With the two hungry Nikki suggests lunch in the cafe nearby in the zoo. They head to the cafe and order themselves some food, Jack goes with the jacket potato, cheese, and beans, while Nikki has the soup of the day. Molly on the other hand has a child's meal of fish fingers, potato smiley faces, and beans.

Nikki also gets Harper's bottle of milk heated up and then sits with Harper laid slightly back in Nikki's arms holding her own bottle. Naturally, Nikki starts to rock her and pats Harper's bottom slightly. Jack smiles at his fiancée noticing how maternal she is and that she is a complete natural to mothering.

Soon the waitress comes over with their food and places it down in the correct spaces, "can I get you guys anything else?" The waitress asks while standing at the table.
Molly quickly scans the table before speaking up, "can I have some ketchup please!"

The waitress nods and heads off towards the counter and picks up a bottle of ketchup and brings it back to the table placing it in front of Molly, "Thank you!" The eight-year-old beams before picking up the bottle.

The waitress smiles and then looks between Nikki and Jack, "Your daughter is very polite, lovely to see parenting done correctly these days. She a credit to you."

Jack and Nikki look between each other unsure of how to react but they both just smile happily and nod thanking the waitress, once she is out of earshot Jack and Nikki chuckle to each other exchanging comments about how awkward that situation was.

They soon eat their food and wait a while letting their food settle before getting up and heading off around the rest of the zoo, once they get to the exit Jack, Nikki, Molly, and Harper all head back to Nikki's house. After being back home for ten minutes Nikki walks through to the lounge to see Molly asleep on the sofa, Nikki grabs the throw off the back of the chair and drapes it over Molly before removing the headband from her hair to stop it from digging in, "Put your legs up Molly" Nikki speaks softly, the eight-year-old attempts to cooperate but is too tired so Nikki helps her move her legs before offering her a cushion to rest her head-on.

Nikki sits herself in the armchair opposite the sofa and watches Molly sleeping, she couldn't help but wonder if that would be her own child in the future fast asleep like that. Jack walks back through the toilet and glances down at Molly asleep on the sofa and hen across at Harper who is playing with her teething ring, "Is this what our life will be like in the future?" He smiles warmly sitting in the other armchair.

"I hope, I'd love a daughter now," Nikki says quietly, resting her hand on her stomach.
"We can find out soon before the wedding," Jack grins.
"I already have a feeling I know what I'm having" she smiles.

Jack raises an eyebrow unsure of how someone could have a feeling she knows what she is having, "so?" He asks curiously.
"I think it's a girl, but a little part of me wants a boy for you," she explains.
He chuckles softly and responds, "either will be perfect as long as they are healthy," Jack says his eyes drifting to where her hand is resting on her stomach, he swears to himself that he can see a small bump forming, small enough that you would have to know she is pregnant to even notice the bump.

An hour later, Iain, Emma's partner and father of Molly and Harper comes to collect them, thanking Jack and Nikki for their time and hands them a bottle of wine to thank them, it's clear to Nikki that Emma hasn't told Iain about Nikki being pregnant or he wouldn't have brought the bottle of wine, Jack accepts the bottle as he didn't want to come across as rude, he then helps Iain take Molly and Harper to the car as Molly is still asleep Jack carries her to the car and secures her in the seat before shutting the door and placing the buggy in the boot. Jack rejoins Nikki and the front door once he has helped Iain with the girls and waves them off, Jack places his arm around Nikki and they head back inside once Iain's car is out of sight.

The Sweetest DevotionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora