Thats what Friends are For

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Three weeks later and Nikki has just turned sixteen weeks pregnant, with no sign of showing yet Jack and Nikki decide to keep her pregnancy a secret for a little while longer. Today Jack is at work and Nikki has the day off as it's only five weeks until their wedding and there is still much to sort out. Nikki has invited her friend Emma around to help with some small preparations, Nikki is currently sat in the lounge with Emma and her daughter Harper.

Emma smirks and she sits watching Nikki who has six-month-old Harper on her lap, she coos at her and pulls faces at her which Emma finds incredibly sweet, "Nik, I need to ask you something... I totally understand if you turn it down" Emma says softly.

Nikki looks up from baby Harper and across at her friend, "sure what is it?" Nikki smiles.
"Will you be Harper's godmother?" Emma asks as she watches her friend register the request.
"Oh my goodness Emma! Of course, I will be! When are you planning on christening her?"

She smiles happily at Nikki's acceptance and watches as Nikki places Harper down on the floor, "tenth of July, you can make it then? I know you have a crazy work schedule," Emma asks and watches as Nikki's face slightly drops at the date, "what's wrong with that Nikki?" She adds.

The pair exchange a smile and Nikki thinks of the right words to say to Emma, "oh it's just I'll be thirty-six weeks pregnant then" she says showing no emotion until she says the word 'pregnant', and the smile bursts out again.

Emma takes a moment to process the comment and then looks at Nikki in shock placing her mug of tea down on the coffee table. "You what!" She chokes.
"I'm currently sixteen weeks pregnant," Nikki beams finding herself placing her hand on her stomach.
"No bloody way! It's about time you and Jack settled down and started a family. I'm so happy for you" Emma says cheerfully taking in the news.

Nikki smiles and shuffles slightly in the armchair making herself more comfortable. "We're so excited, Jack can't stop talking about it... look what he brought me for the baby last week" she speaks getting up from the armchair and walks to the bookshelves and pulls out a small cream baby comforter, "he even got 'Baby Hodgson' embroidered onto it" she smiles happily passing the comforter to Emma.

"He's a keeper Nik, dedicated Daddy right there... wish my Iain was the same, he hardly acknowledges Molly and Harper recently," she sighs feeling slightly envious of Nikki having Jack be so dedicated even before the baby is born.
Nikki sighs feeling for Emma and sits back down in the armchair, "he's busy Though, intensive Care Doctors work their arses off to provide the best care" Nikki responds.

"I know, I think it's this maternity leave, it's getting to my head" Emma chuckles and Nikki smiles back at her. "Oh, Nikki what are you doing next Saturday?" She adds suddenly.

Nikki raises an eyebrow and sits forward keeping her eye on Harper who is playing with her small bear. "Nothing why?"
"Do you think you could have Molly and Harper for a couple of hours?" Emma asks.
"Erm... I don't see why not, I'm sure Jack would be okay with that. What time next Saturday?" She asks.

"Half ten onwards until Iain can collect them if that's okay with you?" Emma smiles happily. Nikki nods accepting to look after them, after all, it would give them plenty of practice with a baby around and also Molly to keep an eye on too. Emma and Nikki continue to talk and move onto the subject of the wedding, even though it's to be a small intimate wedding of only close friends and family members there is still much to plan.

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