Sentimental Value

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Later on that day the three had decided to go to a local pub for their lunch, Conor had insisted on paying for the meal which leads to an argument between himself and Jack who was also adamant about paying for the dinner. Since Jack and Nikki had announced their engagement to his Dad Nikki had put her ring back where it belonged.
"Son... why don't you help me get the next drinks while we wait for our meals," Conor suggests and Jack raises an eyebrow at him, Conor glares at him making it known he wants to speak to Jack away from Nikki.

Jack lets go of Nikki's hand which he was holding on the table and gets up, "Nik what do you want?" Jack asks.
"White wine would be nice," She smiles as she fiddles with her ring again. Jack smiles and adjusts his top before kissing her on the head and walking with his Dad to the bar.

"Be honest with me, son, was the wee baby planned?" He asks curiously as they lean against the bar waiting to be served.
Jack messes with the bar mat slightly and then looks at Conor, "No... I know Ma would be rolling in her grave but it just happened," Jack explains.
"It doesn't just happen Jack, these things can be prevented. Now I am not going to moan at you telling you it's a sin because you know about your Aunt Roisin with your cousin Nathan..." He responds.

Jack nods slowly, "Where is this going Da?" He quizzes.
Conor looks back over in the direction of Nikki who looks up and smiles at him before her gaze drifts away and back out the window. "I want you and Nikki to have a good life, give me a few wee grandchildren, something your Ma would have loved... You see I've kept this from you, I was meant to give it on your eighteenth but I saved it for when you were starting a family."

Conor pulls out his wallet and hands him a folded up letter, "What is this?" Jack asks as he opens up the letter and reads it. His eyes flick up to his father again, as he reads the first words 'My Darling Jack'.
"I can't accept this," He speaks quietly trying not to make a scene and catch Nikki's attention.
"It's your inheritance from your Ma," He speaks his accent think.
"Why now?" Jack asks as he glances at Nikki.
"Because you are starting a family, it's not much but your Ma would want your children to be well looked after," Conor explains.

Jack reads the letter and smiles knowing it was a letter from his Mother just by the handwriting, something he had missed dearly, she had a way with words and it made him feel loved. "Five thousand pounds... Dad... I..." Jack speaks lost for words.
"And then there is this," He speaks pulling out a familiar-looking ring.
"What's this?" Jack speaks.
"Your Mother's engagement ring," Conor smiles and turns to the bartender who is now stood in front of them, he orders their drink and Jack quickly pulls a twenty-pound note from his wallet and hands it over to the bartender. "This ring is yours, I'm not giving it to Ryan... being side there is no need for him to have it, You're our firstborn."

He looks at his Dad and smiles cheerfully, "If you haven't noticed Nikki already has an engagement ring," Jack responds.
"I can see that, keep it. It's yours to do as you please, give it Nikki or save it for your child," Conor explains as he picks up his pint and sips it before looking at his son waiting for a response.
"Da... I..." He stutters, It had to be only one thing of his mothers he always wished he had, Jack was scared that his Dad would give it to Ryan and he would never see the ring again.
"Take is Jack, it's yours" Conor responds as he collects his pint and walks across the pub back to Nikki, Jack places the ring in his wallet and then picks up his drink and Nikki's and walks back over, placing Nikki's drink down in front of her and kissing her head as he does so.

Conor looks up at the pair and smirks, "So why keep your relationship hidden from me?" He quizzes the pair.
Jack and Nikki share a look, "I have no idea," Nikki responds.
"I think it's a mixture of work and time getting away with itself," Jack speaks placing his hand on Nikki's thigh under the table and smirking at her as he brushes his hand further up her thigh and Nikki bites her lip and looks at Jack.

Conor looks between the pair as they sit looking at each other, he knew they are madly in love and serious about their relationship just by the way they look at each other, a mutual feeling of love. He then notices Jack's hand resting on her thigh, over the small pub table. "Your Ma and I used to be like that" Conor smirks.

Jack snatches his hand away from Nikki's thigh and flushes red, "It's fine, son... I don't care how you show your affections to each other, as long as it's nothing sexual," Conor speaks.
Jack shudders and cringes at the thought of his Dad saying such words, "Jack," Nikki giggles noticing how bright red her lover is currently going.
"Is that the time? we best be off Da, it's been lovely as always," Jack speaks quickly as he stands up and checks his watch.
"Jack!" Nikki warns as he pulls her to her feet, she gives Conor a friendly smile before downing her wine quickly and placing the glass down on the table, she says goodbye to Conor and then leaves with Jack.

The Sweetest DevotionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon