Hot Date?

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"Morning" Nikki beams as she walks into the kitchen. Jack looks up from the kitchen table and smiles at her, he's been living with Nikki for the past two days and has settled into her hectic lifestyle.

"What are you so jolly about?" He asks with a smirk.
"I have a date tonight" Nikki grins cheerfully as she flicks the kettle on and hums along to the radio.
"Who's the lucky fella?" Jack smirks.
"Jealous?" Nikki asks.
"No, just curious... putting yourself on the market a bit too soon after..." he states.

Nikki raises an eyebrow and shakes her head causing Jack to stop. "No do not mention his name in my house, anyway got to move on, plenty more boys in the pond" Nikki replies.

Jack looks at her and smiles slightly. 'If only,' he thinks to himself. "What about you? How many women are queuing up at your bedroom door?" Nikki smirks.

"None, at the moment, can't have little Dr Alexander getting jealous" he smirks.
"Pfft, of course not," she responds. As she pours the boiling water into her cup and stirs the liquid. 'Of course, I am' Nikki thinks to herself as she keeps her back to him and bites her lip.

"Whatever you say... so do I know him?" Jack questions as Nikki walks across the kitchen with her cup of coffee and begins to pack her paperwork she has taken home ready for work.
"No, you don't..." Nikki responds simply and concentrates on making sure all her paperwork is put into her bag. "What are you going to do while I'm out?" Nikki asks making conversation again.

Jack looks up from his mug at Nikki again, "I don't know, probably order food and continue with some paperwork" Jack responds before attracting his attention to his phone he reads the text and then gets up.

"Got to dash, crime scene awaits" Jack smiles as he gathers his things and places his mug in the dishwasher. Jack then leaves the kitchen leaving Nikki to prepare for work alone, although she liked Jack's company she enjoys more than ever time alone with her thoughts and feelings.

Later on that day Nikki arrives back home after a long day at work, the first thing she does when she gets home is put her things down and head upstairs for a shower. She showers down and washes her hair before getting out the shower and drying her hair, she applies makeup before going through her wardrobe trying to find something nice to wear, she tries on three possible outfits before finally settling on the last dress - a black off the shoulder Midi dress.

Nikki sprays her perfume and quickly checks her makeup in the mirror before heading downstairs to find Jack sat in her lounge on his MacBook. "Tarting yourself up I see?" He mumbles not taking his eyes off the screen.
"I'm not a tart..." She responds. Jack turns and looks at her raising an eyebrow, he has to fight the urge to let his mouth drop open and the sight of her dressed up.
"Oh you are... look at you, clear signs you're a tart" Jack smirks as his eyes fall to her figure.

"Oh Shut up, anyway he'll be here in a moment" Nikki smiles as she grabs her belongings and slips a jacket on.
"What's his name?" Jack quizzes.
"What's it to you? Gosh, Jack, I'm older than you stop acting like my father... and if you must know his name is Shaun and I know him from Alison, my friend, he works in Halfords in Camden," Nikki smiles as she applies a little bit more lipstick.

Jack stands up and looks at her as she slips into a set of heels which do nothing for her height against Jack. "are you going to have sex with him?" He questions.

She rolls her eyes "You know, sometimes Jack sex is just sex, a pleasurable act between two consenting adults... got an issue with that?" Nikki smiles.

Jack looks at Nikki and he smirks slightly before shaking his head, "He could be a complete letdown, the size of a peanut" Jack teases as he leaves her be and walks off into the kitchen. Nikki rolls her eyes and notices a taxi pulling up outside to gathers her things and heads out for the evening leaving Jack to do his own thing.

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