Not Desperate just Lonely

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A few weeks pass since Nikki opened up to Jack about her stillborn child which broke up her marriage when she was twenty-one. Jack has now moved back into his flat since the water and sewage damage has been repaired. Although since Jack had moved back out Nikki had felt very lonely without Jack keeping her company, Nikki has just arrived home after a long shift at work, she instantly showers and gets herself into her pyjamas before heading downstairs.

She sits herself down on the sofa and sighs, she picks up her phone and looks at the time before unlocking her phone. She looks at Jack's contact ID and contemplates calling him to see if he wants to come round for dinner, she keeps putting off the idea thinking Jack will think she is needy and lonely.

Nikki hadn't seen much of Jack at work today as he was out with a police officer, Nikki places her phone down on the arm of the chair still unlocked, she bites down on her thumb trying to pick up the courage to text or ring him. She takes a deep breath and looks away when she hears her phone ping, She turns and looks down at her phone to see Jack's name appearing briefly at the top of her notifications.

She smiles to herself as she feels her heart race, She opens up the message to a very short message from Jack, 'Hey, didn't see you much today, Clarissa mentioned you seemed pre-occupied, you okay?'

Nikki smirks to herself and holds fire with a response as she didn't want him to think she is after something. After a few minutes so panic she manages to respond to his text 'I'm fine, thanks'. She knew that message would spark a conversation with Jack.

The next message shocks Nikki and she sits there trying to register it for a moment, 'Come to the window', she slowly gets up and walks to the window, she looks through the window to see Jack stood in the street with a smile on his face with a bottle of wine and a pizza box. She smirks to herself before opening the window, "What the hell are you doing?" She questions.

"You clearly need a pick me up, so here I am, some fancy wine and pizza... pepperoni of course and extra cheese" He grins knowing it's Nikki's favourite.
Nikki rolls her eyes at him and shuts the window before picking up her dressing down and puts it on, she walks to the front door and opens it, she watches Jack as he walks towards the front door, "You know I'm not that hungry," Nikki responds.
"Tough you're going to have to eat some of it with me."

Nikki rolls her eyes and gives in to her colleagues way of being persistant. She lets him in and watches as he removes his shoes and jacket. Nikki shuts the front door and looks at him in disbelief before walking straight past him into the kitchen, "I guess you'll be wanting one glass of wine," Nikki questions as she takes two wine glasses out the cupboard.

"Well that would be a start... I wasn't going to let you drink this all by yourself, don't think your wee body could handle a whole bottle" He chuckles teasing her slightly.
"Ha... Ha... very funny, better than you though" She chuckles as she takes the bottle from Jack and reads the label and then opens it.

Soon they both end up sat on the floor in Nikki's lounge eating the Pizza, "Why are you here anyway?" Nikki quizzes as she takes a sip of her wine.
"As I said in the text message Clarissa said you were a little pre-occupied" He explains and Nikki blushes tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as in fact she has Jack on her mind all day.

Jack smiles at her while he waits for a response, "I'm fine, didn't get much sleep last night" Nikki responds.
"Because I wasn't around? need your tall, dark, handsome friend to watch over you," Jack smirks as he nudges her slightly. Nikki picks up a slice of Pizza and glances at Jack before taking a bite, "You miss having me around don't you?" He chuckles.

Nikki places the pizza slice down and looks up at him, "Hmm, I don't miss your mess, but it was weird not having the company around now," She responds shyly.
"Get a Dog or a Cat" Jack says.
"Oh yeah, because that will work while I'm on twelve hour shifts" Nikki responds.
"A goldfish then?" He chuckles.

Nikki huffs and continues to eat her pizza, "Well why don't you look for a lodger" Jack suggests.
"I could do that actually," She says.
"Make sure it's female and only female, can't have them men around you crawing at your bedroom door" Jack chuckles as he moves slightly so he is looking at Nikki.

Nikki's mouth drops open and looks up at him from her Pizza slice, "Are you insinuating something?" Nikki quizzes.
"Just don't want to see you heart broken that's all. Men play you around too much" He responds.
She raises an eyebrow as she starts to find it hard to make eye contact with him, "Since when have you been an agony aunt..."

"I just... I like you that's all. I would hate to see you get hurt over and over" He mutters.

She smirks at him and then sits up a little more, she places her pizza slice down in the box and takes a breath as they both fall into an awkward silence, She gets to her knees and Jack starts to panic thinking he has made it too awkward and Nikki is leaving the room to get away from his awkward presence.

As she gets to her knees she sits on them and looks at Jack, "Good because I like you too." Before Jack can even register what Nikki has said to him her lips collide with his, he warms to the kiss as Nikki becomes relaxed, he slips his hand around her waist and pulls her onto his lap.

She rakes her fingers through his hair as they kiss and before Jack can even come up for air Nikki is pulling his t-shirt up and over his head, she moans into the kiss as Jack continues to hold her tiny waist, he then slips his hand up her pyjama top and smirks as Nikki is more than acceptant at where he is heading, "Upstairs now..." She mumbles as they come up for air.

Jack pratically drags her to her feel before grabbing her hand and rushing her upstairs towards her bedroom discarding of their clothes everywhere as they head up the staircase. Jack shoves Nikki into her bedroom and shoves her down onto the bed before quickly turning and shutting the bedroom door.

I shall leave the rest to your imagination...

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