Meet the Hodgsons'

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Jack and Nikki get into the small lift and press the number for his Dad's floor, as soon as they arrive on the sixth floor Jack and Nikki step out of the elevator and walk to his front door where Jack knocks on the door rather loudly. Jack senses that Nikki is slightly nervous about the whole situation even though she has met Conor before now, "Just Breathe, Niks," Jack smiles as he takes hold of her hand and squeezes it reassuringly.

They hear a click and then Conor's front door opens, "Da! How are ya?" Jack smiles as Conor opens the door to the pair and then his eyes fall to their hands which are still connected.
"I'm good... at the moment," He mumbles as he steps back allowing them to come in.
"Mr. Hodgson, it's lovely to see you again," Nikki smiles cheerfully as she walks inside his flat following Jack's lead as he walks into the lounge.

Conor follows the pair back in and shuts his front door, "I guess you two will be wanting a drink?" Conor grumbles.
"I'm fine," Nikki smiles cheerfully.
"Yeah, we are fine for now," Jack speaks.

Jack sits down and Nikki copies his actions and sits beside him on the sofa, "Why do I get the feeling this isn't just a casual call round, You never bring Nikki..." He speaks as he sits down in his armchair as he watches the pair for indications.

On first observation he notices how close they're sat and how Nikki's knee is pointing towards Jack, the next up was how gentle Jack seemed around her. He knew Jack fancies her but he never got up the confidence to ask her out. "Da... you see Nikki and..." He begins but is cut off by Conor.
"You two finally come to your senses then, ay?" Conor smirks, Nikki smiles slightly noticing a familiar-looking smile, if anything Jack had taken after his father with features and facial expressions, although she wasn't too sure as she had yet to see a photo of Jack's mother.

Jack smiles back at his Dad giving a slight nod, "More than that Da, we're engaged," He smiles cheerfully.

While awaiting Conor's response Jack feels Nikki's hand slip into his for reassurance, Jack squeezes her hand and glances at her with a smile. "Da?" He asks noticing his Dad taking a moment to register what was said to him.

Conor chuckles as he sits forward slightly, "Next up you'll be telling me you're expecting a child together."
Then there is an awkward silence between the three of them, "You're not pregnant.. are you?" Connor adds nervously. Nikki bites her lip and looks away for a moment trying to keep her tears at bay, She lets go of Jack's hand and shakily wipes a tear away, "What have I said?" Conor speaks with a concerned tone.

Jack looks at his Dad and smiles faintly, "It's okay," Jack speaks as he places his hand on Nikki's knee and turns back to his Dad, "I wish we could have been, Nikki miscarried two weeks ago, it was early days around eleven weeks," Jack explains.

Conor looks at his future daughter-in-law who is looking away trying to control her tears, "Oh, I'm so sorry son... I wish I could say something better than this," He responds awkwardly almost like his own son in certain situations.

"The baby was a shock and a blessing at the same time, we would love a wee one in time. I think it's just nature's way, isn't that right Nik?" Jack smiles giving his fiancé a nudge.
"I'm sorry, silly of me to cry," Nikki speaks as she finally turns back around.
"No Nikki it's not silly, just god way. Anyway, I am more than happy to accept you into our family. and when the time is right I can't wait to have a grandchild," Conor smiles happily at the couple as he stands and walks into the kitchen and comes back with a bottle of Bushman's whisky. "Here get this down your neck" Conor speaks as he pours Nikki a glass of whisky.
"Good thing I'm not on any medication or pain-relief any more," Nikki smiles and instantly sips the whisky. "Gosh, that's strong," She responds in a hoarse tone as the liquid slightly burns her throat and warms her stomach. Jack chuckles at her knowing she never really drinks whisky and isn't used the percentage or even the strength of the substance.

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