Monday Morning

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Monday morning rolls back round after the conference in Birmingham and the weekend Jack, Nikki, and Thomas are now all back in work. "Good Morning Thomas, good weekend? How was Birmingham?" Clarissa smiles cheerfully as he is the first to come in this morning. 

"It was, good, very interesting weekend... and then there were the evenings in the hotel..." Thomas speaks as he heads into his office.
Clarissa follows him in and waits for a response, "Come on Thomas, what happened? Where are Jack and Nikki?" She asks. 

"Jack and Nikki are at a crime scene this morning, should be back soon. I had very noisy neighbours that were all."
"Oh dear, should have knocked on their door and told them to be quiet," Clarissa responds. 

Thomas places jacket on the back of his chair, "Hmm, I'm not sure that would go down well... with Nikki," He speaks. 
"It was Nikki, what was she doing... oh, of course, Jack..." 
He nods slowly at his co-worker, "I got an hours rendition of Nikki screaming at Jack, telling him all sorts of unmentionable things, It was a war of who could be louder in the end... then Jack had the audacity to tell me in the morning that they are going to be trying for a baby in the next year or two..." 

Clarissa looks at Thomas stunned before following him out his office and to the main offices where he opens up a filing cabinet. "Don't you think they're moving a little bit too quick?" Clarissa quizzes. 
"I agree but it's been a long time coming, they've finally seen sense for each other, but Nikki is unfortunately at the prime baby age. Alot of mothers these days range from thirty to thirty nine, and Nikki has just turned thirty six, makes perfect sense," Thomas responds. 

She nods at her colleague, "I'm scared one of them will get hurt wether it be soon or even later when they have a baby, I've seen this time and time again with Jack." 
"Maybe Nikki will keep him grounded, they seemed pretty loved it. It's nice to see Nikki happy a little bit too happy in some aspects" Thomas responds before taking the files back to his office. 

Soon Nikki arrives at the Lyell after attending the crime scene with Jack, "Morning," Nikki smiles at Clarissa happily. 
"You look loved up this morning, how is Jack?" Clarissa smiles.
"He's fine, on his way in now" Nikki replies with a small smile.

Nikki removes her jacket before tying her hair up into a neat ponytail, "I'm going to get a head start on a few postmortems this morning, if you need me you know where I will be" Nikki smiles and heads off down to the mortuary. 

Not long after Nikki heads down to start some postmortems Jack arrives with bags full of evidence from the crime scene he attended this morning, "Morning," Jack smiles and instantly Clarissa snaps her head up and looks at Jack. 
"Morning yourself..." She smiles as she comes over to his desk sitting forwards in her chair slightly. 
"Woah, stand down... what have I done already?" Jack quizzes his voice getting slightly higher meaning his accent gets thicker. 

"You and Nikki, don't you think you're moving all to quick? I mean you've literally been together all of six months now and you're both acting like you have been married for a good six years" Clarissa responds. 

Jack turns as he removes his jacket and looks at Clarissa unsure if she is winding him up or not, "Where has all this come from? jealous old girl?" Jack smirks. 
"No Jack, I'm not joking, I don't want to see you getting hurt that's all."  

He nods understandingly at Clarissa's comment, he knew she meant well and was just looking out for a friend, "Thank you... I understand where you're coming from. But something is so different with Nikki, I actually believe she is the one" He explains with a smile on his face. All that really mattered to Clarissa is that her best friend is happy, she fully knew that Nikki was the right person for Jack and that she would keep him in check. 

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