Not so Peachy Keen

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Later on that evening, Jack is sat alone in Nikki's house, he had enjoyed the peace and quiet but it's now getting late which is leading Jack to wonder if Nikki is actually coming home at all or is staying out all night. A part of him was worried that she had gotten herself into some difficulty but he knew she was strong, strong enough to fight her own battles. 

Around half eleven he is still sat downstairs with a bottle of beer in his hand watching Netflix on his laptop as he can't figure out Nikki's television. He hears the keys go in the front door followed by the door opening and the sound of someone stumbling around following before he hears Nikki giggling and mumbling to someone, Jack rolls his eyes realizing she has brought her date, Shaun home. 

He stands up and places the half-empty beer bottle down on the coffee table and goes to the door to get a glimpse of Shaun. Although when he gets to the lounge door to the hallway he realizes Shaun isn't all that he is made out to be. "Hey, good night?" Jack questions making himself known to the pair who are staggering around the hallway together. 

"Yeah... it... was....g-g-g-great" Nikki slurs with a cheerful smile on her face. 
"Gosh, how much have you had to drink" Jack smirks. 
"Lots" Nikki smiles drunkly. 
"I can see that, let's get you to bed" Jack smiles as he goes to link Nikki's arm but Shaun stops him. 

Jack glares at Shaun and raises an eyebrow, "I can take her" Shaun hisses. 
Although Nikki is clearly very drunk Shaun doesn't seem drunk at all which raises Jack's suspicions about him, Nikki sways as attempts to hold herself up, "Come on Nikki, up you go" Shaun speaks. 

His blood runs cold as he watches how Shaun touches Nikki, he didn't like his presence at all. "Nikki how many did you have?" Jack chuckles trying to keep Nikki with him for as long as possible while he figure out what is happening. 
"Two..." She smirks and sways, her head drops forward and she stumbles forwards, Jack grabs hold of her and holds her up. 

"Really? are you sure" Jack questions holding her up still. 
"Yes... stop being a...a...a... spoil... stop being a... lion" She slurs clearly making no sense at all. 
"Okay, Nikki sit on the stairs" Jack speaks and Nikki walks to the stairs and completely misses the steps and sits on the floor with a thud. 

Jack looks at Shaun who is smirking looking down at her like he's praying on her, "What have you done to her!" Jack hisses. 
"Nothing" Shaun smirks. 

"Jack... Jack... I don't, feel too... look at the floor, shiny" She mumbles as she slumps forward again. 
"What have you given her!" Jack panics as he grabs Shaun by the jacket and shoves him up the wall, "How dare you try and take advantage of her... you sick bastard..." Jack snaps keeping Shaun held in place. 

Jack looks down at Nikki and then pratically throws Shaun out of Nikki's house, "You dare come near her again, I swear to god I will take pleasure in breaking both your legs..." Jack shouts before shutting the door and turning back to Nikki who is trying to get up again. 

"Hey come on, let's get you upstairs" Jack smiles sympathetically knowing full well, she has been drugged as Nikki never acts like this after two alcoholic drinks. 
Jack helps her up and then attempts to get her to walk up the stairs but with her loss on control Jack ends up scooping her up into his arms and carrying her up the stairs. Instead of taking her to her bedroom he carries her into the bathroom. 

He sits her beside the toilet and grabs her face in his arms and makes her look at him, her eyes roll as he looks at her, "Nikki, listen to me... you need to be sick! You hear me!" Jack says as he moves one hand to her shoulder and shakes her. 

"Mmm, not now... I'm tired..." She slurs. 
Jack thinks to himself for a moment wondering his he should stick his fingers down her throat to make her sick, suddenly he remembers what Nikki told him at work about four table spoons of salt and so much water would make someone vomit. 

He leaves Nikki is a safe position so if she passed out and threw up she wouldn't choke. Soon Jack returns upstairs and brings a normal glass of water and a glass with the salt water in it, he crouches down beside Nikki and passes her the glass, "Drink this" He speaks.
"What is it?" She groans. 
"Vodka" Jack replies trying to get her to drink it. 

Nikki takes the glass of warm salt water and downs it in one go, in moments Jack can see the reaction beginning as Nikki begins to gag, she then throws herself over the toilet and begins to vomit violently. 

Jack sits himself on the edge of the bath and keeps an eye on Nikki, soon her vomiting reduces to gagging until she stops and moves away from the toilet, she leans back against the bathtub and Jack hands her a glass of normal water, she gently sips it before placing it on the floor and resting her head on Jack's lap. 

"Come on let's get you to bed" Jack speaks as he nudges Nikki. 
Nikki groans and gets to her knees and gets up, Jack takes a breath of relief noticing she has a little bit more control and self-awareness after being sick. 

Nikki walks into her bedroom and collpases down on the bed, "Nikki, get yourself ready for bed" Jack speaks. 

Nikki groans and just lays on the bed, although Jack wants her to get changed into something comfortable as she has sick down the front of her dress. "Nikki, now. change your dress," He responds. 

Nikki then sits up and pulls her dress off over her head, leaving not much to Jack's imagination, "Here let me get you a top" Jack smiles slightly trying to keep his eyes focused elsewhere. 
"Mmm No," Nikki groans before removing her bra also and collpasing down on the bed. 

Jack can't help but look at her, his mouth goes dry and then he snaps out of it and grabs the fleece blanket off the armchair. He then removes a decorative pillow from behind her head and then takes her necklace off.

He he takes the necklace off Nikki moans softly and wraps her arms around Jack's neck, He pulls him forwards and kisses him lightly on the kiss, Jack delicately kisses her back before pulling away, "Jack..." She mumbles. 

Nikki moves slightly on the bed, "I want to have sex with you" She mumbles. 
"No you don't, I'll disappoint you" Jack responds as he places a mop bucket beside the bed. 
"Why? I'm already half naked, what's wrong? is your friend tiny? like a peanut?" She mutters. 

Jack chuckles at her and shakes his head, "You're exceptionally drunk, Nikki, go to bed!" He speaks as he leans over her trying to get her onto her side. 
"With you..." She mumbles as she runs her hand down the front of his trousers and rests her hand on his crouch. 

He grabs hold of Nikki's wrist and removes her hand from his crotch, "Want me to tuck you in?" He asks trying to take her away from the 'sex' situation. 
"I'm not four, Jack" She mutters as she rolls onto her side and gets comfortable. 
"Goodnight Nikki" Jack speaks as he sits on the opposite side of her bed just to monitor her for a while just incase she chokes on her own vomit, but soon Jack falls asleep beside Nikki...

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