I slid behind a bin while Hermione hid behind a sign. "Is she gone?"

I peeked over the bin, looking around and let out a sigh of relief. "Coast is clear," I told them. "Time for Butterbeer!"

We walked into the Three Broomsticks and we walked over to a free table. Ron was there with Fred, George and Lee Jordan.

Hermione took out her notebooks about S.P.E.W. "Are you ever going to give up on that stuff, Hermione?" Harry asked her. "Once house-elves get fair wages and rights," she muttered. "Joy, you know how to get into.."

"No," I said drinking my Butterbeer. "I'm not taking you there."

"Please!" Hermione begged me. I sighed. "I'll think about it," I muttered. "But promise me you won't piss them off."

"Oh, look, there's Hagrid," Hermione changed the subject. "And Mad-Eye," I said, pointing at the bar.

They were about to leave but Moody turned back and came over to our table. "Ah, Jones," he greeted me. "You doing alright, you look very pale."

"Not feeling great," I said simply. "Sorry about that," he said to me. "Nice cloak by the way, Potter."

My eyes nearly bulged out of my head in surprise and Hermione nearly spit her Butterbeer out. "What?!"

"I can see through it, girls," he pointed at his fake eye.

"Ah, Hermione, Joy, good to see you both!" Hagrid greeted us. He leaned down and whispered something, in Harry's direction and the two of them left. Moody must have told him he was there.

"Joy, Hermione, he wants me to meet him at midnight," Harry said to us. "But Sirius wants to meet tonight too," I reminded him. "Can you stall for me? In case I'm not back on time?" Harry asked me.

"Yeah, I have a feeling I'm going to get a proper nagging about asking Sirius to look into that," I sighed.

"Maybe Sirius knows something you don't," Harry pointed out.



I was reading on the couch of the Gryffindor common room and my eyes were slowly getting heavier. I put the book down and buried myself deeper into the couch. It was about half eleven.

I opened my eyes and found a woman with ash blonde hair. "Mum?"

She turned around. "Hello, Joanna."

"But...you're dead...how can you be here?" I frowned.

"I'm here to warn you, stop looking into my mission, the less you know, the better," Mum said to me.

"It's what got you killed, they could be after me and Tia next, I need to know what happened back then," I mumbled.

"Joy," Mum sighed, looking down. "Why do you think I hid it from everyone? So they wouldn't come after you, my sister or Remus, so you'd know nothing about it, so you wouldn't take this into your own hands. Voldemort himself killed me. He wanted to shut me up. You'll know when you're ready."

"Joy! JOY!"

My eyes snapped open to see Sirius' head in the fireplace. "What is going on?" I frowned. "Joanna Hope Jones, I ought to kill you," Sirius grumbled. "What did I do?" I grumbled. "Are you thick?! Why the bloody hell are you looking into your mother's mission, you stupid girl?!"

"Because Voldemort is after me!" I rambled and I let out a squeak and covered my mouth. That was the first time I used Voldemort's name.

"What?!" Sirius gasped in horror. "The locket was Mum's, Pettigrew told Voldemort I have it and he wants it."

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