Chapter 17

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Sam's POV:

"Can I get a couple of boxes of candy and some crisps?" I ask Hannah hopefully.

My eyes scan the shelves of the convenient store and widen when I see fudge-covered-brownie-sweets.

"Hannah!" I screech, running over and pointing at the box. 

"Oh my god! Is this real life?" she asks dramatically, and nods when I give her puppy dog eyes.

"And yes, get whatever you want. Get some extra for yourself to stash in your room. But make sure to hide them well- Lewis always steals mine." 

Hannah waits patiently for me as I dash around the shop, grabbing various junk foods. Soon, we wait in line with a small basket of sweets and crisps. 

"I think I might have to steal some of these," she says, pointing to some Cadbury chocolates.

"Of course... that is, if I don't finish them first."

I flash her a big smile and politely say "Thank you" after we check out. Lewis is waiting for us in the car and shouts excitedly once we are with him. 

"What did you get!?" he asks, almost grabbing the bag out of my hands.

I yank it back and laugh. "Calm down. We didn't get much. However, Hannah told me you liked these." I toss him a bag of sweets and he squeals. 

"Well that wasn't very manly," I laugh, making him blush. "But don't worry, I understand the pure joy food brings."

"Thanks girls," Lewis says.

I smile into the front view so he can see me and then look out the window. My life has changed so much. I remember the last time I stared out my window. I had a panic attack as my terrible past infiltrated my mind. Now, everything seems so much brighter. Everyday, the past grows farther and farther away. 

It is scary though. Not my past. I'm beyond scared of that, I think. The future is something that I fear, but in a good way. I know that I'm severely behind in school and will have to catch up. I've never had to think about what I want to do for work or my profession. I feel like it will be so soon that I'll have to make big, life-altering decisions. It's awesome and I'm so grateful that I will be able to control my own destiny, but it's something so foreign to me. 

This brings me to Sparkles*. I've never really had a boyfriend. I mean, for fuck's sake, I've never been kissed. I don't even know if he wants to be my boyfriend. I feel so helpless. So... ignorant. Hopefully, Kaylee will help me work through everything. She's pretty good at giving advice. 

"Guys, thanks again for letting me have Kaylee over. And for letting me get some snacks. That was really awesome of you!" I say.

"You're welcome Sam," Lewis says. "I'm glad that you have someone like Kaylee. From what we've seen, she seems like a great friend to have." 

"You have no idea," I reply. 

This makes me think of all the times I hid in her bedroom when my father got out of control. She would let me hide under her bed until her mother fell asleep or went out depending on the time of day. She would bring me food and just hug me and comfort me. Every time, she asked me if I wanted to call the police. But she respected my wishes and my choice to say no. It was too hard then. I think she understood that. 

It just seems like a different time. Like... someone else's life. Not mine. 

Was I ever truly Sam Light? 

Because it feels as though I've always been Sam Brindley... 


"Turn it OFF! I swear to god Sam! I'm gonna piss my pants!" Kaylee screamed as yet another persons head was chopped off in the horror movie we were watching.

I just continued to laugh manically at her hysterics and sat on the remote. "We shall never turn it off!"

That's how I ended up with crisps and chocolate in my hair, pinned to the ground.

"Release the remote, you little bitch!" Kaylee shouted. 

"Say it, not spray it!" I cried as she practically spit in my face. 

Eventually, she managed to flip me over and grab the remote. 

"No more of this," she said, turning off the TV.

I laugh as I realize she doesn't know there is a power button on the TV.

"Kay, you know that you could have just walked up to the TV and turned it off instead of attacking me. Right?" I ask.

"Oh... yea, totally! I just-uh, thought it would be more fun to wrestle you for the remote. It was fun though. Amirite?"

I roll my eyes and hit her with a pillow. 

"Listen, I want to talk to you and get your advice on something," I tell her seriously. 

"YES! Is this going to be something juicy, because I'm so ready to hear the weird, disgusting, and romantic things about your life?"

"Ohmygod. You are so strange," I tell her, hitting her again with the pillow. 

"Whatever, just talk!"

"This guy at YogsTowers... he kissed me. And I kissed him back. And it was great," I mumble, my cheeks turning red. 

"You are always such a tomato," Kaylee squeals. "Who was it?  I mean, I know I'm not super into the Yogs, but I know a few of em'."

"It was Tom. Also known as Sparkles*. He's the singer in Area 11. You know, the band I always made you listen to."

"Shut the hell up! You're serious!" she says, screaming.

"Would I lie?" I scream back. 

"So was it like, a quick peck errr a long, heart moving, weak in the knees kind of kiss?" she asks. 

"Number two!" 

That's when she starts sqealing uncontrollably. 

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy for you! You are gonna date and get married and have kids and it's gonna be so cute and-"

"Woah girl, slow down. It was just a kiss. That's what I was going to ask your advice about! I don't know if that means he wants to date me or be a couple or what. I'm so confused and kind of terrified!" I cry. 

"Calm down Sam. I got this!"  *cool face*

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