Chapter 3

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Sjin's POV:

I've decided to head into the office early today to play some Minecraft and get a jump start on my preparations for the Sjindig.

Sips is flying in sometime in the upcoming week so we may start recording some new content, but until then, I'm doing my own thing. I'm starting to work on building Erobor, actually.

I head into YogTowers, noting that the elevator isn't on the first floor when I hit the button. "That's weird. Maybe I'm not the first one here," I mutter.

I hop on the elevator and head up to our floor. As soon as the door opens, I race straight to my room. I'm excited to record some videos and do some more work on my worlds. As I stand outside my door, I hear a soft snoring. What if there's a murderer inside!? I run into Duncan's office and grab his machete. I'm prepared for the unexpected... No one can stop sjin!

With a growl and a piercing war-cry, I charge into my office.

Sam's POV:

I awake to a yell and a sharp object being shoved in my face. I let out a terrified scream and cover my face with my hands. "Please don't hurt me!" I whimper. I blink my eyes a few times and try and get myself out of my sleepy state. When my vision clears I yelp in shock. "Sjin!?"

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