Chapter 14

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Before I start, I would just like to apologize. It's been waaaay too long. I've had some major writers block and just haven't been up to writing. I also went on vacation and had some other family stuff going on along with preparing for starting school in a week. But- that's no excuse. I'm pissed at myself tbh. So sorry:( 

Sam's POV:

"Hannahhhh, I'm hungry! How much longer?" I whined as Hannah drove us to some food place.

We had been in the car for about 20 minutes. The whole way, I felt like she was trying to get me to talk about what was going on. I'm probably overexaggerating, but I really did feel like she was playing detective. 

Our conversation wasn't exactly awkward, but it wasn't normal for us either. 

"Quit your whining, Samantha! We'll be there soon," she said playfully. 

I moaned and leaned my head against the headrest. 

Although I was hungry, I kind of regretted getting into the car because when we weren't talking, I was thinking .Thinking about Sparkles*. Thinking about us. The kiss. 

The amazing kiss .

My first kiss. 

I banged my head against the headrest and Hannah looked at me funny. 

"The hell are you doing?" she asked. 

"Sorry. I'm just hungry." 

"Remind me to always feed you," she said, laughing. 

"Don't worry, I will," I told her. 

I fidgeted with my hands for the rest of the way. I wish I didn't over-analyze things. I always have to make things so much more complicated than they actually are. I wish I could just be a chill, relaxed, fun-loving teenager.

I wonder if I I had grown up in a normal family. Would I have been hugely different than I am now? 

"Sam, we're here," Hannah said. 

"Yay! Let's eat," I said, trying to pull myself out of my thoughts. I skipped over to the door and opened it for Hannah. 

My mood obviously improves dramatically when I get to eat.


After we had ordered and received our food, we chatted a bit. 

"So Sam," Hannah started, "How do you feel now that the fans know about you?"

"I don't really feel different. Although it is strange, knowing that people may recognize me. I just can't believe I had so much fin chatting with the fans. I didn't feel awkward or embarrassed once we got down to it. It just felt natural." I tell her honestly. 

"That's awesome. Seriously Sam, I'm proud of you. Almost everyone loved you. Your personality really shined through to everyone. It was beautiful."

I blush but smile. 

"Thank you. It really does mean a lot, coming from you. I love you a lot," I say. 

Her face lights up when she hears me say "I love you". 

"I love you too Sam, more than you could possibly imagine. Thank you for completing our family. I know we've been through a lot in a short period of time, and I'm sure there's more to come, but I just want you to know that you can come to me for anything. I know that it might be hard to learn to trust Lewis and I after what you've been through, but I'm willing to be patient," she says. 

I take a deep breath and sigh. "That's the problem Hannah! I already trust you!" 

And that's when I start to tell her about the kiss. 

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