Chapter 5

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Sam's POV:

After eating with Kaylee and her mother, we said our goodbyes but promised to visit soon. Kaylee was upset to see me go, but getting to chat with each other let her relax a bit. 

"Don't worry Kay. We'll talk again soon. Next time you can come visit me and the rest of the Yogs." I said, and gave her a hug.

" I'll hold you to it! But in the meantime, be safe," she said authoritatively, hands on her hips. 

"Whatever you say, Mum," I giggled, sticking my tongue out at her. 

She rolled her eyes at me, but she was smiling happily. I knew how she felt, because I was feeling the same thing. We missed each other. I thought things might be weird since we hadnt seen each other for so long, but things seemed to pick up right where they left off. It was like we hadn't ever left each other. It's strange, but I guess that's just how best friends work. 

This thought stayed in my mind as we pulled out of her driveway. Kaylee was my best and only friend. She was really all I had ever know, but I can't complain. She was the best friend she could be, and I'm proud to call her that. I need to see her more often. 

"So, did you have fun?" Lewis asks from the front seat, making me jump. "Sorry to scare you," he says with a small laugh, after seeing me jump in the mirror. 

"Yea. I really did. Thanks guys," I say. 

"It was seriously not a problem Sam. She's your best friend, we're.... your parents! That's what we do!" Hannah says. 

"I know. I just feel bad, having you take me around and doing all this for me. I hope you realize how much I appreciate you," I tell them wholeheartedly. 

"Of course we realize. You better get used to having us around, because we are not leaving," Hannah says. 

My spirits lift momentarily, then drop. They say they will be there for me, but how do they know? Anything can happen. 

Suddenly, I feel my breathing turn shallow. "Damn," I whisper. 

"What was that?" Lewis asks.

Hannah turns to me and her face goes white. 

"Sam, honey, breathe. You're okay!" I hear her whisper. 

As she talks, my brain races a mile a minute, picturing everything that could happen to her. Death by knife, death by falling, death by accident. Death by... car accident. 

A small cream escapes my lips as I realize we are still in the car, driving. What if we crash? What if someone hits us. What if-

"Sam!" Lewis yells. I look up and see him looking at me from his rear view mirror. 

"Stop thinking! I can tell you are thinking! Just relax, we'll be home soon," he says. 

I hear him speaking, but I can't stop myself from imagining the future. They are going to leave me, I just know it. Just like everyone else did. Kaylee will leave, and then they will follow. Or maybe they'll make me leave. They'll dissapear, like mom. 

I wonder what would happen if I left. Would they forget about me? An even better question... could I leave? Would I be able to? Am I so selfish that I will stay with them? All I do is cause them problems and unnecessary worrying. 

I close my eyes and let myself float. Sadness grips me along with fear. I hear Hannah trying to calm me, but I can't respond. 

Then he's in my face again. Shouting. Firing words of hate, breaking me. Every little thing in me shatters. My hopes, my dreams. It's my father's fault. He made me like this. 

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