Chapter 16

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Sam's POV:

After downing my lunch and chatting with Hannah, we decide to head back to YogTowers. I still had a girlish grin plastered on my face and could not stop the giggles once they started. Soon, Hannah was laughing along with me. 

"Okay. I'm gonna be honest with you. I think it's adorable. Tom's an awesome guy and I believe he will treat you right. Obviously, I think you should tell Lewis about this, but it's up to you. Just let me know if I need to do some rearranging of certain faces, you know, just to keep them in line," Hannah says, smirking. 

I nod my head. "I'll let you know, but I think I can take care of myself now. I know that sometimes my emotions flare up and I have panic attacks, but I feel a hell of a lot stronger. I'm just glad I have you and Lewis by my side. So... thanks."

And it's true. Strangely, I feel brave. It may just be my post-kiss giddiness, but I feel like I've gotten past a barrier within myself. It makes me a tad bit proud. The thing that makes me happiest is I know that I couldn't have done it without the help of the Yogs, and I know that they are right next to me, on my side.

"Hannah, do you think I could have Kaylee sleepover one of these nights? I really miss her and I feel terrible that I'm shit at keeping in touch."

Hannah shakes her head yes. "If you want her to, of course. I'm sure tonight would be fine if she is able to. You guys are welcome to order some takeaway and rent some movies." 

I smile gratefully. "I guess I'll give her a call when we get to the office. I'll check with Lewis first. And Hannah, I will tell him... just not today." 

I would feel terrible keeping secrets from Lewis. But truthfully, I don't think it's that big of a deal. It happened today, for christ's sake. He may be my father, but I don't need to tell him every little detail about my life. I will tell him, but I am a bit nervous to.


After arriving back at YogTowers, I look around for Lewis. I find him recording in his room, so I leave him alone. 

"I guess I'll have to go find someone else to bother," I say with a grin. 

Obviously, me being me, I go and find Sjin. He's not doing much, just editing a few things. So I sneak quietly into his office, which I've found to be quite easy because of the large headphones everyone wears, and pull them off his years. 

"That looks boring!" I yell. 

He screeches and swats at me. "You have got to stop doing that! I'm going to have a heart attack one of these times!" 

I roll my eyes. "Well, I needed someone to entertain me. You were first on my list. Plus, you don't seem to be doing much."

I gesture to his computer monitor that displays editing software and a short video. 

"How about this. Pull up a chair, and I'll teach you to edit. You're a YogKid now, you need this skill. Trust me!"

I nod, happy to be doing something practical. 

For the next hour or two, Sjin teaches me the basics of editing. I'm not great, but I get the gist of it. It's cool, being able to take something rough that's in one take and split it into a polished piece that flows well. Although a bit crappy, I'm proud of my work. Sjin gives me a pat on the back for it.

"Thanks Farmer Sjin," I say, "I'm going to go see if Lewis is done recording. I need to make a phone call."

"Sounds good. I'll be here, drowning my sorrows in Pepsi."

"Other brands are available," I say with a wink.

This time, he rolls his eyes at me. I give him a little wave as I shut his door, then head down the hall. 

I peer into Lewis's room and see that he's just chilling. I knock and he smiles when he see's it me. 

"Come in!" 

I open the door and walk in, plopping myself on the floor next to him. 

"Are you busy?" I ask.

"I was, but not at the moment. What do you need? Are you okay?" 

 I smile. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just wanted to ask you if you would be okay with Kaylee sleeping over. I already talked to Hannah and she said fine as long as I checked with you."

"Duh. If you want her over, then sure! We can get some movies or something for you guys," he says.

"Hannah said the same thing," I laugh, "But thanks, I might just take you up on that offer."

So that's when I call Kaylee. 

The phone rings a couple times and I'm worried that she's out. I really do miss her and hope that she's able to come. But thankfully, she picks up.


"Hey Kay, it's Sam!"

"Sam! Hey! How are you? Is everything going okay? Do you need any help? Should I-"

"Chill! I'm fine. I just wanted to see if you wanted to sleepover tonight, that is, if you aren't busy."

I can practically hear here jumping up and down.

"Yes! I'm sure my mom would be fine with it, she misses you as much as I do. I'll have her drive me over around... say 8? What's your address?"

I happily give it to her and we both say our goodbyes. "Woohoo!" I yell.

I head back into Lewis's office and hand him his phone. "Thanks. She's coming over around 8. So would it be alright if we stopped and got some snacks and movies on the way home?"

"Sure thing! You know, I think we need to get you a cell phone." Lewis says.

I start to refuse but see him roll his eyes at me. "Okay," I sigh, "That would be awesome."

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